Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-doctor-using-a-tablet-5452291/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
As a doctor, you probably thought that getting into medical school was one of the biggest challenges you’d ever face. After all, only 5.5% of applicants get accepted into medical school.
However, you’ll also face many challenges as you leave schooling behind and start your medical career. While this is unsurprising, given the nature of the work, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by these challenges when you’re a newly qualified doctor.
With that in mind, here are five things to remember as a new doctor.
You’ve got what it takes.
Whether you’re working in a medical practice or a busy hospital, it’s easy to feel out of place when you first qualify. After all, you’ll likely feel that everyone around you is more prepared to tackle whatever comes their way, whereas you’re constantly second-guessing yourself. While this is perfectly natural, it’s important to remember that you’ve been offered this position for a reason. You’ve been working and studying hard for years to get where you are today – and you would not have been hired if the employers did not think you can handle it.
You’re only human.
One of the biggest lessons you’ll learn as you advance in your medical career is that you’re only human. This means that, much like everyone else, you’ll make mistakes from time to time, or you might not always have the answer right away. Keeping this in mind will make it easier to keep stress at bay, without being overwhelmed by your workload.
You need an insurance policy.
While you will always strive to do your best for your patients, its important that you are aware of the steps you should follow in the event that things go wrong, or you make a mistake. For example, you may require legal representation should you face a malpractice case. As a result, you may want to look into different
malpractice protection services that are avialble to you, so you can find a policy that suits you.
You need a good work-life balance.
Doctors are often expected to work long, unsociable hours. However, this does not mean that you should sacrifice your own wellness when working to care for others. In fact, failing to do so could actually impact your ability to do your job well. For example, “Sleep deprivation makes doctors feel more stressed and that, in turn, worsens their clinical performance such as by reducing surgical dexterity, mood and confidence – especially for junior doctor.”
As a result, you should work to build the perfect work life balance where possible. Ensure your down time is actually down time – and that you focus on self-care and getting some sleep.
You can always learn something new.
While you may be keen to leave the books behind after years of studying, its also important to remember that you can always learn something new. After all, the
the medical industry is constantly changing it’s standards, and new treatments and medications are in development every single day. As such, you should make use of all of the learning opportunites that are presented to you. Not only will this help you to develop new skills, it also means that you can provide more comprehensive care and support to your patients.