If you have a plumbing emergency, it is important to stay calm and gather your thoughts for a game plan as soon as you can. Plumbing issues tend to worsen as time goes on, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed with a sudden problem. If you are dealing with issues in your pipes, consider these five things to do to help mitigate the issue and prevent it from getting worse.

Shut Off the Water

One of the first things that you need to do is shut off the water. This will help contain the problem and prevent further damage from occurring. If your home has multiple water valves, make sure that you turn all of them off to prevent other sections of plumbing from becoming damaged as well.

Call a Plumber
After you have shut off the water, it is important to call your local plumbers as soon as possible. They will be able to assess the situation and determine what needs to be done in order to fix it. A capable plumbing company will be able to provide you with a solid plan on what you can do to avoid such damage in the future.

Do Not Use Plumbing Fixtures
It is important that you do not use any plumbing fixtures until the issue has been resolved by a professional. This includes toilets, sinks, showers, and tubs. Doing so could make the problem worse or cause additional damage. With the water shut off, there will be no reason to use other fixtures anyway.

Find an Alternative Water Source
If possible, find an alternative water source such as bottled water or melted snow until your plumbing emergency has been resolved. This will help ensure that you still have access to clean water while your issue is being fixed. See if you can visit your neighbor or check a local utility to have access to water while the experts deal with the issue.

Be Prepared for Future Emergencies
Once your plumbing emergency has been resolved, it is important to take steps to prevent future issues from occurring. This may include fixing any underlying problems or making changes to your home’s plumbing system. Do not be afraid to consult with the plumbers to get creative in preventing long-term damage.

Like with any other such process, it is always a good idea to keep preventative care in mind. Practice good maintenance with your pipes in order to keep them running as long and efficiently as possible.