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Acne is a part of life for most teens, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to be left with the scars. Fortunately, you can help your teen reduce scarring if they are battling acne and feel more confident in their skin.
Natural Approaches
Though the science behind at-home remedies is often hard to verify, some people like to start with ingredients they have around the house. Coconut oil is often cited as a cure all for almost anything, and it can be put on the skin to reduce the signs of acne scars. Lemon juice, aloe vera gel, and shea butter are also rumored to help. It’s important to understand that even natural remedies can have side effects. Each person’s skin reacts differently based on sensitivity, so even at-home ingredients can cause a reaction. Make sure to test anything you choose on a small portion of your teen’s face before slathering it on every acne scar. Also, remember that applying a product like coconut oil may actually cause acne when a teen already has oily skin.
Retinoids can be applied directly to acne scars to help make them less visible. Since retinoids reduce inflammation, they are ideal for anyone hoping to heal their skin. Retinoids can also help cells regenerate faster, and this will give your teen’s skin a healthier look. If your teen does decide to go with retinoids, make sure they understand the consequences. While they may help reduce scarring, they can make your teen more susceptible to sunburns. Sunscreen should always be worn when your teen is using retinoids so they don’t cause permanent damage to their skin while outdoors.
The Right Peel
Peels are a great way to roll back the clock on skin damage, and there are different kinds to choose from depending on your teen’s skin. A 15 tca chemical peel can lift off the outer layers of skin so scars will not be as prominent. It also has the added benefit of reducing the appearance of fine lines that everyone develops over time. There are different types of peels, so your teen may need to seek the advice of a dermatologist before choosing one. It also makes it take more than one try for a person to see the results they want. Make sure to leave time between applications and pay attention to how skin reacts to any peel used.
If your teen is not squeamish about needles, microneedling could be an option. Just as the name implies, microneedling involves putting small needles around the site of a scar. This is done to encourage the body to produce more collagen and create a smooth appearance around the area. Your teen should not expect to be immediately satisfied with their skin after a microneedling session. The skin that has been treated will get red and look inflamed after the procedure. Your teen may also experience pain. However, these side effects are fleeting and should decrease over time.
Raised scars on the skin may need a more drastic approach in order to reduce their appearance. A dermatologist can offer injections of corticosteroids in the office for teens who are eligible and don’t mind going in more than once. These injections typically occur over a period of time. Though it requires more patience, they can be effective for anyone who has stubborn scars that need an extra push.
Laser Treatments
Laser treatments can be used on a variety of scars, including those left behind by acne. The lasers zoom in on blood vessels around the scars, and this can make them lighter and flatter. Just like injections, laser treatments are not a one-time event. They can also leave your teen with swollen skin that hurts for several days. In some cases, your teen’s skin may even bleed after treatment, so they need to be prepared for this. Laser treatment is also not an option for every person. If your teen has super sensitive skin, your dermatologist will likely recommend skipping this procedure and trying something that won’t cause as many immediate reactions.
Reducing the appearance of acne scars can help your teen feel more confident about their skin. Find the right treatment for your child’s specific situation and help them put their best face forward.