Success is something everybody wants, and we know intuitively that it doesn’t come along easily. Not without dedicated effort, hard work and relevant financial backing. But the extent of the effort and hard work involved is often misconstrued, and valuable energy is spent worrying about what went wrong or pursuing an inefficient goal.
In this article, we look at five sure-fire ways to be successful online by using pragmatic techniques instead of misplaced effort. You will learn how to optimize your time to fit with your natural rhythms, how to embrace failure as a positive phenomenon, and how to create your own luck by making solid financial choices. Read on to equip yourself with indispensable know-how for online success.
Make a Winning Routine
One thing all successful people have is an effective routine. It doesn’t matter if it’s for elite sport or to pass some exams, consistent effort in the direction of a goal is what adds up to triumph in the end. A winning routine is one that has this goal in mind from the start and puts time aside to practice activities that will contribute to its accomplishment.
If this sounds too ominous for you, already, let’s put your mind at rest. A winning routine like this doesn’t have to mean doing things you don’t want to be doing all the time. Of course, there will be an element of that as in every successful endeavour; but actually, with the right strategies to follow, a winning routine can be established quickly and without too much effort.
Wouldn’t it be excellent if you could accomplish the majority of your workload in a fraction of the time, or time your workload so that you operate at peak performance for the most challenging tasks? Wouldn’t it be excellent if you could enjoy your routine and workload so much that it felt more like playing than working?
That is where Productivity Tools come in. Productivity Tools refer to the 80/20 rule, The Productivity Zone, and Energy Management, as opposed to Time Management. The 80/20 rule is the idea of accomplishing 80% of your workload in 20% of the time. It’s an efficient technique. To achieve this you need to optimize your energy instead of your time – that is, work on the toughest tasks when you have peak energy: to enjoy what you do, use mindfulness techniques to access The Productivity Zone.
Learn Self-Discipline
Do you tell yourself that you don’t have any self-discipline? Maybe you struggled to get out of bed for an important meeting or failed to go to the gym three nights a week. Chances are that you only partially failed and that in fact, you succeed more often than not. Furthermore, the people you think have natural self-discipline are, in fact, just as fallible as you are: but they know how to get back on track.
In this section, we show you how self-discipline is not a biological trait but a technique you can learn and apply to your life with astonishing success. You’ll be surprised at how simple the solution to self-discipline is, and you will wonder why you haven’t thought of it before. Chances are you will have used the technique in the past, but failed to recognize it as such.
The technique for self-discipline will enable you to get up in the morning when you still feel tired, spend, extra half-hour in the gym, or take your online business to the next level by dialling up your effort-meter. The tremendous thing about self-discipline – apart from the fact it’s a learnable technique – is that it puts success squarely in your own hands.
The first step is to buy a new journal and nice pen. Find your comfort zone; this is the situation where you feel most relaxed. It might be on the sofa with a mug of coffee, on a park bench overlooking the town, or in your bed with a cat. This comfort zone will allow your true self to arise. Use this time to jot down what you want and why you want it. These are your productivity goals. Whenever you feel unmotivated, remember your goals and the deeper reasons you want to achieve them.
Don’t Avoid failure
The human body is an intelligent system capable of learning and adapting to changes, both internally, and in the environment. When you train, for instance, lifting weights and so forth, your stringy muscles tear. This damage is the reason your muscles feel sore following a workout: but don’t worry, all is as it should be. After a day or two, the stringy muscles repair themselves again, and they’re much stronger than they were before.
Failure is like this! In the next few paragraphs, you should hopefully be convinced that the word ‘failure’ does not need to have all the negative connotations associated with it. In fact, the word ‘failure’ should ring in your ears like a bell of opportunity and potentiality. Whatever your endeavour is, big or small, ambitious or not, the small setbacks along the way are the marks of success that you will look back on fondly, and with nostalgia.
It may not happen overnight, but understanding the nature of failure is a sure-fire route to success. And far more efficient than enjoying success all the time, counterintuitive though it is. Remember the stringy muscles that tear when you use them? Your journey towards success is a process of effort, setbacks, and reinvention until you are formidable enough to compete at the highest level.
Don’t shy away from failure. Instead, embrace it. Keep a journal of all the failures you are having along the way. Top tip, keep your journal in the present. There may be failures you want to include from past efforts, but chances are you will have already processed those intuitively. Focus on the here and now, and what matters today.
Make Your own Luck
It might seem obvious at first that lucky people exist and unlucky people exist. That is, people exist who experience better luck than others. This may be true, but what is luck really? Is luck the stuff that happens to us or how we respond to it? Is it some magical outside force that is beyond our comprehension and control, or something far more down-to-earth and pragmatic?
By the end of this section, you will know what luck really is and how best to respond to the phenomenon. We even give you some cool tips and tricks to help you make your own luck – the way you might make a delicious meal: that is, with a little bit of attention applied in the right way, and a generous helping of common sense.
It’s easy to think of luck as a superstitious phenomenon. In fact, we’re brought up to believe this in all the books and movies we consume as children. But luck is just the events that happen to us, and whether they are positive or negative really depends on our state of mind and general outlook. If you change your state of mind, an unfortunate event suddenly doesn’t seem so bad, or a failure – as discussed earlier – can become an opportunity for success.
Successful people are able to separate themselves from events and stay rooted in reality. To be successful online this means making a solid business plan and getting financial backing in the form of a bank loan or investment. Enlisting the help of companies such as Wise Loan online installment loans is the pragmatic way to secure financial backing, and one that doesn’t rely on chance. So the next time you’re wondering how the competition seems to stay one step ahead, assess your business model, not your crystal ball.
Never Stop Learning
How skilful and talented would you be if you were to learn something new every day for a year? If you focused on one particular subject or passion, you would certainly know the basics and probably a lot more besides. This is something successful online business people do; but not for only a year, for their entire lives.
There is no special trick or talent to becoming a successful person or a successful entrepreneur. Some people will have a natural disposition towards learning which makes it easy and natural for them, but knowing the tricks and techniques can level the playing field and make ‘success’ a possibility for everyone.
Furthermore, it’s great to learn new things. Learning new things sparks neural pathways that are the catalyst for new ideas. If you stick to the same subject area all the time there is only so far you can go but introduce a new element into the equation and suddenly there’s a fresh idea that you’re surprised you didn’t think of before.
Train yourself against the idea of becoming an expert in a particular field. It might be good for your status, but it will prevent you from making further progress. Instead, adopt a beginner’s mind mentality. Beginner’s mind means you will be locked into learning mode and will never miss an opportunity to grow. Try to challenge yourself to learn one thing a day and see how far you can go.