If you are keen to leave your middle management position behind and make a foray into the world of leadership, the chances are that you are seeking a promotion. The only problem is that you are not alone. As you scale the career ladder, you may find that the competition for jobs becomes more fierce.
If you have been in the same role for a few years, you can probably do the job with your hands tied behind your back and blindfolded. Your tasks are too easy and you no longer feel challenged. You need greater responsibility and you are yearning for a promotion. However, you may not be able to find this within your current place of employment. As such, you need to look externally. While scary, you can get back on the job hunting wagon and get the promotion that you seek in three simple steps.
Your resume probably hasn’t had an overhaul for the past few years. When you are static in your employment, you tend to procrastinate professionally. You must make sure that your professional development is up to scratch. Consider forking out from your own savings account and taking part in the courses you need to equip you with the skills for your next role.
Take a look at the job and person specifications of the roles that you want, and look carefully at the essential criteria. You must make sure that you have all of these skills. Consider looking into employment training courses to plug the gaps within your resume. This can set you head and shoulders above the rest of the job-hunting competition.
Your promotion will hinge on the skills and qualifications that you have. It’s crucial that you can have more recent courses on your resume to prove to any potential new employer that you have your finger on the pulse of newer ways of working.
When you make your job applications, ensure that each one is bespoke rather than relying on a generic template from the Internet. Employers can spot these from a mile away and will throw them in the bin.
Address your letter of application to a named individual and show off your enthusiasm and passion in your writing. Make it personalized and ensure that you explain what you can do for the company rather than what they can do for you. Ensure that you are willing to show off your skills and be humble at the same time.
Apply with a focus on demonstrating how you can meet the essential and desirable criteria. You might also want to attach a table with key bullet points making shortlisting for the employer simpler. They will appreciate the thought and time that you have spent on your application.
Always attach your resume and make sure that you check for spelling and grammar errors more than once! Try to keep your resume to one page only. It needs to be concise and to the point, showing off your key skills in a concise and punchy way. There are plenty of templates to take inspiration from online.
When you get called for interview, make sure that you are suited and booted. Get your hair cut and wear something that leaves you feeling comfortable and confident. You need to be able to move freely and look professional. Forget about designer clobber and following trends and go for something sophisticated and classic. You want your words to be the focus of your meeting, not your choice of dress or blazer.
You will inevitably be nervous, but you need to channel those nerves into your performance at interview. Utilise the STAR method to help you formulate your answers so that they don’t descend into waffle. Explain the situation that you faced, the task that you were set, the action you took and the impact you had. Try to be quantitative in your answers and be as specific as possible. How much money did you save? Or how were your efficiencies measured?
When you apply for a new job, you will find that rejection will rear its ugly head. This can make you feel rejected and have you doubting your own abilities. Don’t think that you are unworthy of your promotion, you simply need to get back on the job hunting horse and keep plugging away. You will need to persevere and eventually you will find the perfect job. Follow this guide and you will get your much wanted promotion in three simple steps.