Just a quick update from me. I’ve gone a little quiet here on the blogĀ in the new year! I hope that all of my readers had an awesome time over the holidays and that you’re all as excited about 2017 as I am! I’m home from a wonderful trip to Atlanta where I had the opportunity to do some DDP YOGA at the DDP YOGA Performance Center with Diamond Dallas Page!

While I was there, I spent some time talking about my experience with DDP Yoga and how it helped me lose 180 pounds along with a low carb diet in an interview for a video to be released soon, the details of which I will be sharing here as soon as I have them. In the meantime, you can read a little about how I found DDP Yoga and where that took me on their blog here.

You’ll also see me in the DDP Yoga Now App on the 1/4/17 Live Workout and an upcoming DDP Yoga Motivational Monday video! Subscribe to DDP’s YouTube feed so you don’t miss it, and seriously, watch some of the videos there – so inspiring and I’ve never met someone more caring and down to earth than Diamond Dallas Page. He’s the real deal, guys! Literally, he heard about me and called me right away to congratulate me on my success! Plus, he cooked me eggs.

In a super cool turn of events, I Diamond Dallas Page surprised me with the opportunity to chat with the Bailey and Southside crew on Rock 100.5, then we were on CBS46 Ā WGCL-TV Atlanta live on Atlanta Plugged In!

I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my story and hopefully to inspire others to believe in themselves and take control of their own lives. Watch me doing a little mini DDP Yoga workout with DDP on Atlanta Plugged In below, and listen to the podcast from my first ever radio appearance. It turns out that I LOVE the radio. I had SO much fun in the studio!

CBS46 News

Pre-segment Facebook Live Video

Click here to watch the Facebook LiveĀ Video –Ā we did before the segment, too!

January 3, 2017 – Radio Appearance – Bailey and Southside, Rock 100.5

By the way, I just realized that some of you might not be all that familiar with DDP Yoga.

In brief,Ā DDP YOGA combines the very best of yoga, traditional fitness, sports therapy and dynamic resistance to create one of the most effective fitness plans in existence today. It allows anyone to:

  • Get a kick-ass cardio workout
  • Increase flexibility
  • Strengthen core muscles
  • Experience almost no joint impact

And, in case you were wondering what my actual results with DDP Yoga are, check this out …

Check out the DDP Yoga website for more info.

29 thoughts on “Talking DDP Yoga With Diamond Dallas Page on TV & Radio

  1. Wow, congrats on the weight loss. It sounds like you had a wonderful experience while in Atlanta (one of my favorite cities in the world). I look forward to checking you out on the DDP Yoga Now App.

    1. The workouts are awesome! I love that you can modify any of the moves to meet you where you are and then see and feel the progress as you keep working it!

    2. Sweet! I can see where you might hesitate before trying it out. Heck, I bought it and never opened it until almost a month later. But, once I did I never looked back – feels so good!

  2. What a great experience! I’m glad you included what DDP Yoga is and I love that it has almost no impact on joints. Congrats on all your successes!

    1. Definitely! In fact, I have bone on bone arthritis in my knee and have had some trouble with my lower back but I make it through these workouts feeling better rather than worse. I ran a 5k and that was far from the case then! So painful!

  3. Congratulations on your weight loss. Yoga sounds great and will have to check out that app your talking about. Plus you had the opportunity to meet and talk with some great people.

  4. This sounds like it was an amazing experience. I am so happy for you that you were able to tell others your story. I am going to have to check out the DDP Yoga and share this with my sisters too. Thanks for sharing your experience and congrats on your success.

    1. Thank you, Rebecca! I definitely made some memories that I’ll keep with me always. I was shy about telling my story for a while but if it can help just one person, I’m more than happy to do it!

  5. First off I love Atlanta! Second, I have been wanting to add yoga to my fitness routine but haven’t found the right video, app, etc. This sounds perfect! How cool that you will be on it! I love that they are super low impact and good for any size! And you lost so much weight! What an inspiration! Thank you for sharing this. I am going to check it out now!

    1. Thanks, Heather! I didn’t get to see a ton of Atlanta but I saw a lot and I can’t wait to go back! Definitely let me know if you have any questions about DDPY. Happy to answer them! I loved the product but now that I’ve met the people I can totally stand behind it all the way!

    1. That’s a great goal. This one is definitely not your run of the mill yoga – it’s DDP Yoga, a whole ‘nother level! I love “regular” yoga but for me, DDPY is where it’s at!

  6. You have done an amazing job with your weight loss. DDP YOGA is something I would love to try.

    1. Thanks Claudia! There are some YouTube videos on that channel I linked to that give you a general idea of how some of the workouts go. Check it out!

  7. Congrats on your weight loss! That’s fantastic! I hadn’t heard about DDPyoga, so this was interesting to read. My ex-mother in law loves doing yoga. I haven’t gotten into it yet!

  8. How awesome! I am so inspired by you and your journey! This yoga sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to kick start loosing or maintaining weight.

    1. Thank you so much, Emily!! I’ve gone way outside of my former comfort zone in order to hopefully show others feeling so low that there’s hope! I would never have believed I could do it back then!

  9. What an inspiring story, no wonder they wanted to interview you! I have been looking for the perfect exercise regime and I think I just found it!

  10. Regrettably, people are obsessed with your weight loss, rather than the tremendously increased health benefits you’ve worked so hard to attain. Being thin is not magical, it doesn’t cure your emotional problems and it doesn’t make a person sexy.
    I would be pleased to meet you one day, simply to congratulate you for having the guts and the determination to make those changes!
    Good girl, good for you!

    1. You’re absolutely right about the importance of the health benefits. I definitely think that this is number one for me! I was SO unhealthy and today I’m able to live my life med free and hopefully for many more years than I would have!

  11. Wow, you look amazing! I have heard of Diamond Dallas, but I didn’t know exactly what it was. I can’t wait to share this with my hubby.

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