How To Prepare For These Five Most Common Surgeries Your Kids May Need

How To Prepare For These Five Most Common Surgeries Your Kids May Need

Common Surgeries Your Kids May Need

While as parents, the thought of our kids having surgery can be scary, there are many common surgeries that kids will have to go through. While there is always a risk, preparing your child for surgery will lessen a potential stressful situation for everyone involved:

Inguinal Hernia Repair

To prepare your child for inguinal hernia repair, your child may have to drink only clear liquids after midnight prior to the procedure. It is also possible that the doctor will order an enema to clear out the bowel’s prior to surgery. Since you will be caring for your child once he or she is released, check with your doctor for any supplies such as wound dressings that you will need to have on hand for post-operative care.

Oral Surgery

Having wisdom teeth removed is another common childhood procedure. Preparation for this surgery includes not letting your child have any food or liquids seven hours prior to the surgery to avoid nausea and vomiting. Since the recovery may be uncomfortable for your child, make sure you have gathered supplies your child will need prior to the surgery, says professionals at Oral Surgery of Utah. Some examples include ice packs, gauze, mild drinks that your child enjoys, and a small basin for spitting.


In preparation for a tonsillectomy, gather any supplies and medications you will need before surgery. Since he or she will have a sore throat for several days, you will likely need Tylenol and plenty of clear liquids and cold, easy-to-eat foods such as Sprite or popsicles. Unlike some surgeries, your child may have water or clear apple juice before the procedure.


While this type of surgery is often done unexpectedly because it is an emergency, there are still some things you can do to help your child after surgery. Since your child may be hospitalized for more than one day, it is a good idea to pack loose fitting clothes and a toy that will soothe your child. Things to prepare before your child returns home include medications, wound care supplies and instructions, and plenty of fluids.

Ear Tube Surgery

To prepare for ear tube surgery, make sure you follow doctor’s instructions relating to stopping any medications your child is taking or having lab work completed. Also, follow fasting directions to avoid any surgical risk is a must. Lastly, pack a favorite stuffed animal or action figure to help calm your child. 

Preparation for these five common surgeries is the key to having a less stressful surgical experience for both you and your child. These surgeries are very common in children, and being prepared can help everyone understand the procedure and outcome.

 Thank you, Anita Ginsburg, Freelance Writer, for this great guest post!

Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO and often writes about home, family, health and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys spending time with her family when she isn’t writing.