
Science classes at the Children’s Museum of NH include hands-on experiments and arts-based learning.

Science classes at the Children’s Museum of NH include hands-on experiments and arts-based learning.
                                   Science classes at the Children’s Museum of NH include                                         hands-on experiments and arts-based learning.

Children’s Museum of NH

The following is a press release from The Children’s Museum of NH. I am sharing as a courtesy for my NH readers. What a fun place and an awesome way for homeschoolers to participate in some hands on learning with other kids! Please let me know if you sign your kids up, I’d love to hear all about it!

New Science Class Sessions

(Dover, NH – August 27, 2013) – The Children’s Museum of NH is now taking registrations for new preschool and homeschool science classes that begin on Tuesday, September 24. Each 6-week session includes hands-on experiments, lessons and creative projects related to the theme of Science Arts.

The Junior Science Explorers Class is for children ages 3-1/2 to 5 years old and will meet on Tuedays, September 24 – October 29 from 10:00-10:45 am. The cost is $60 for museum members and $70 for non-members, and the price includes all materials.

Science Explorers for Homeschoolers has been created for children ages 6-10 years old and will meet on Tuesdays, September 24 – October 29 from11:30 am – 12:15 pm. The cost for this 6-week class is $60 for members and $70 for non-members. Additional siblings in a family pay just $36 each to participate.

In this first fall session, both science classes will be taking a unique approach to investigating scientific concepts using open-ended art experiments. Young scientists will learn about magnets, constellations, plants, light and more. Each class will focus on a specific concept topic and include hands-on science art experiments as well as ideas to try at home.

A second 6-week session of Junior Science Explorers and Homeschool Science Explorers, scheduled for November 5 – December 10, will feature the topic of energy. Students will learn about the dynamics of energy on Earth with interactive experiments focused on photons, thermodynamics, circuits and more.

To register for any of the science classes at the Children’s Museum of NH, please call 603-742-2002. Each class is limited to just 12 students for personalized instruction. More information can be found at www.childrens-museum.org.

About the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire

The not-for-profit Children’s Museum of New Hampshire is located at 6 Washington Street in Dover and offers two levels of hands-on, custom-created exhibits for children ages 1-12. Children can explore a wide range of subjects, from dinosaurs, music and aeronautics to world cultures, art and natural history. Open year-round, the museum specializes in creating family learning experiences and works closely with schools, social service agencies and educators. The museum also hosts a variety of live performances, workshops, classes and special events for families. For more information, please call the museum at (603) 742-2002 or visit www.childrens-museum.org.

2 thoughts on “New Science Class Sessions start September 24 at Children’s Museum of NH

  1. I miss homeschooling for this very reason — all these fun classes we used to take! We spent 1.5 years at the aquarium every other week for a science class. Best.Class.Ever. I’d love somehting like this one you mention!

    1. Aww, Dee! That sounds great! I love hands on learning. I’ve never really done homeschooling though I did do school-like activities with a schedule for my preschoolers (way back when they WERE preschoolers) and 5-6 neighborhood kids. It was a lot of fun!

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