If you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to lately, you should check out Aliza Sherman’s Give Back Project 2013 and see her plans for Working with these nonprofits in January #GiveBack2013 | Aliza Sherman: YourDigitalDiva.com.

I connected with Aliza on Twitter about a month ago. Since then, I’ve been doing some independent work for her and have been welcomed into the Media Egg, LLC team as its Social Content Manager.

Aliza thanked me in her post for the work that I’ve been doing behind the scenes on this incredible project. It’s really just some screening, sorting, emailing and maintaining information so that Aliza can just dig in where it counts, by providing her expert insights, advice and recommendations to Nonprofit organizations that need it. In truth, the thanks really all goes to her.

I can’t stress enough how rewarding it has been for me in just this short amount of time to work with Aliza. I know lots about social media and even more about measuring social media, but I’ve already learned so much from this woman that is a prime example of all things good in this industry. She puts people first on every list. It’s not about the bottom line, the money, the publicity, for her, its about the people. And, I can already tell that its not JUST the people that sign contracts, but the people that work with her and the people that are lucky to know her in real life.

Aliza’s mission is: To empower people through technology. She holds true to that and continues to demonstrate it literally on a daily basis. If you are wondering about making connections on Twitter and if its really possible, let me assure you that it is. I’ve connected with some great people in my line of work, done some networking, picked up plenty of freelance work, connected with frugal Moms and with other mothers of children with special needs, especially those that also have children on the autism spectrum (and dads too!) and a few great Jeep enthusiasts!!

Here’s a list of all the ways that you can connect with me online!


1 thought on “Give Back Project 2013 for Nonprofits #GiveBack2013

  1. I am a working home who was inspired last weekend to find a way to teach my kids how to give to tohers this holiday season. Given my background in ecommerce, I created a non-profit website over the weekend where kids can “shop” for products to give animals/kids in need. It has a kid-friendly UI, full of videos and fun facts so they can learn as well as learn how to give. The site is called Santa’s Lap: http://www.santaslap.org.

    Thought I would pass it along in case it is something that might interest your readers.

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