Since an auto accident can happen within a matter of seconds, you can expect your world to be turned upside down immediately after your accident. Whether it is police asking you questions or insurance companies pressuring you for answers, making the wrong decision in these or other situations can doom your case before it gets started. To make sure you have proper legal representation from start to finish, here are five times you should always hire an auto lawyer to handle your case.
You Suffered Injuries
If you were seriously injured in the accident, you need an auto lawyer to make sure a strong case can be built on your behalf that will result in you gaining compensation to pay for damage to your vehicle, any wages you lose from being out of work, and the medical expenses you incur related to the accident.
You’re Offered a Quick Settlement
While this sounds great, it is usually anything but that if the other driver’s insurance company offers you a quick settlement. If you take it, the compensation provided will not be enough to cover your current and future expenses. Instead, let an attorney from a firm like Jeeves Law Group, P.A. negotiate with the insurance company so that you come away with maximum compensation.
You May be At-Fault
Even if you are deemed to be at-fault in any way for your auto accident, don’t think this dooms your case. In fact, hiring an auto lawyer immediately may still help you gain compensation for your various damages and injuries. As your lawyer builds a case and shows how the other driver’s negligence contributed to the accident as well, your chances of gaining compensation increase dramatically.
Insurance Company is Uncooperative
If you try to handle an insurance company on your own after an auto accident, you will fail to gain compensation virtually every time. When an insurance company is being uncooperative, hiring an auto lawyer can change things in a hurry. Once an insurer knows you have legal counsel, they are often much more receptive to discussing a settlement.
A Loved One Died in the Accident
If you had a loved one die in your auto accident, hiring an auto lawyer will allow you to discuss your options when it comes to filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the other driver.
Whenever you are involved in an auto accident and require the services of an attorney, experience matters in terms of whether or not you emerge victorious and gain the necessary compensation to cover your damages. Therefore, always seek out a reputable auto lawyer who has a track record of success in winning even the toughest cases for their clients.