When you’re on a construction site, the last thing you want to deal with is a lot of excess water. But it might be the first thing you need to deal with. That is why having a dewatering pump on your job site can be so helpful.
Prepping the construction site is a lot of work. Dewatering – the intentional removal of groundwater from a location – is best done through a dewatering pump. Dewatering creates more stable and drier soil by temporarily lowering the surrounding water table. This makes it easier to get things started.
More Stable Soil
Clearly, one of the biggest advantages of using a dewatering pump on a construction site is that it stabilizes the soil. Dewatering pumps safely remove water to lessen the risk of a mudslide, and it helps ensure that the site is ready for excavation, preparation of the foundation, and pouring cement footing. The site will be more stable overall for the managers and crews.
Keeps Equipment Safe
All the building materials and construction equipment that you’ll have on the Jobsite is downright expensive. Just think about how much money you might lose if soil erosion caused a mudslide that took out your equipment and materials. Standing water produces excess moisture that can ruin your materials and reduce the integrity of your equipment. You can avoid going over budget and project delays by using a dewatering pump to keep your job site safe from harmful excess water.
Better For the Environment
Standing water is a major cause of erosion, which is already something that allows debris and toxins from airborne contaminants to fester. Mosquitoes love standing water, so standing water can basically be a breeding ground for mosquito-carried viruses like West Nile.
Using a dewatering pump allows you to get rid of dirty, contaminated standing water and all the potentially harmful toxins that come along with it. It also is a solid technique for preventing soil erosion and other hazards on the job site.
Getting a dewatering pump on the construction site allows you to create a safer and more stable work environment for your work managers and their crews. The prepping process can be a whole lot easier by dewatering the surrounding water tables, and it can yield a good return on investment by offering your expensive equipment and building materials a higher degree of protection.