An estimated that 65 million people suffer from back pain. Sixteen million suffer from chronic back pain. This health condition requires doctor visits, therapy visits, medication, in addition to other pain-reducing treatments. This can get expensive. Determining the cause of the back pain is therefore vital to the health of those 65 million people.
Is It Morning Back Pain?
While it’s true that most back pain shows up after a hard day’s work, much back pain occurs in the morning. Inflammation is the main enemy here. Inflammation restricts the space in which the normal spinal functions carry on. When inflammation occupies the space, pain happens. Experts agree that this results in sleeping positions that aren’t normal, except for a person who’s trying to escape the pain. Compression of the spinal nerves during sleep, disc degeneration, and more are common causes of morning back pain. Let’s examine these causes.
Sleep Positions
Those who sleep on their stomachs or their backs are forcing the spine to lie flat. Its natural curvature is in an unnatural position, so it can’t function properly. Try to sleep on your side with a pillow under your knees. This will keep spinal curvature at its peak, and you might not awaken with morning back pain.
Disc Problems
Herniated discs and degenerating discs both offer sufferers morning back pain. Only medication and pain management therapy will help, so consult your doctor.
Check Your Mattress
A mattress near or over ten years old has passed its usefulness. Its support is gone, and it adds stress to your back by compression on the spinal area. Choose an AH beard mattress that’s firm, thick, and that’s made with quality materials. Your weight and sleeping positions impact what mattress you choose, so test a lot of mattresses for the right fit.
How to Help Morning Back Pain
You can help reduce morning back pain by stretching. When you awaken, stretch your arms over your head. Stretch your legs as far as they will go at the same time. Hold this stretch for as long as it’s comfortable. Now, bring your knees to your chest and hold for as long as it’s comfortable. These stretches will alleviate any compression in the spine occurring during sleep.
Morning back pain is caused by compression of the spinal area during sleep, a soft mattress, or by the wrong sleep positions. Correcting these things might help alleviate or reduce morning back pain.