Having your marine far away from you might be tough at times. It can not only tough for you, but it can also be very tough for your marine. You might even feel like you are having a hard time making sure your marine feels supported. How do you make them feel loved when they are far away?
Is the distance making you feel too distant from them? Do you feel like you are not supporting them? Is your marine missing needed contact from you and others that love them? Below are five ways you can support your marine from afar.
1. Seek Out Advice
You can always seek out advice on this matter. Suggestions by those in your situation or that have been there could greatly help you. You can consult with experts on that matter. You can turn to trained professionals. You can also find common knowledge and develop strategies with others in your situation.
If you are a marine mom, you might feel like your other half is missing love from their child or children, too. You can ask other marine moms you know for advice. And you can always turn to support groups and online communities for help.
2. Prayer and Prayer Groups
To be there for your marine, you could always pray for them. When you learn how to pray, you can pray for your marine, and you can also pray for alleviation from your concerns and worries. Any time that you can alleviate your stress, you can pay more attention to your marine’s needs.
There are various styles and types of prayers you can do alone. You can pray for short periods of time, and you can pray in longer increments. You can also join prayer groups through religious organizations. Those organizations usually have leaders that can assist you in several ways, not just with prayer.
3. Care Packages
Does your marine have unconditional love for a certain type of candy bar? Do your kids need to send art to their parent overseas? Care packages are great ways to show support for your marine.
You can send non-perishable food, self-care items, toiletries, and office supplies. You also can send things like basketballs, batteries, socks, and underwear. Be sure to take into account the rules and procedures, and you must also be cognizant of delivery times. Make sure that you double-check all the legalities and shipping specifics before you send anything to your marine.
4. Social Media
If you have a Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube account you can use those accounts. With social media, you have a sometimes more personable and telling way to communicate. Of course, you can still use phone calls and emails.
You could loop your marine in on Facebook Live post. On Instagram, try to capture you and the ones your marine loves in your daily activities. Use a fun lens on Snapchat to brighten your marine’s day with a laugh. Turn to YouTube where you can host videos they can easily access.
5. Regular Communication
Whether through social media or care packages, phone calls or emails, you must be certain that you communicate on a regular basis with your marine. You must remind them that you are thinking of them. Make sure that anyone your marine thinks of fondly has easy access to be in touch with them.
It could make your marine’s day to hear from you, their children, siblings, parents, relatives, and dear friends. You need to make sure that your marine feels loved and appreciated. To make sure you don’t forget important dates like anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, and deployment dates, you need to make organization a priority. You can grab a calendar or create one online. You need to be certain there is regular communication.
Your Marine Deserves the Support
No matter where your marine is, you need to make sure they feel appreciated and loved. And while it might feel harder to accomplish this when your marine is afar, you can make sure they feel supported.
Above you learned about five ways to support your marine from afar. While there are other