What does happiness mean to you? Take advantage of the endless possibilities with feng shui.
Often mistaken as a complicated process, this ancient Chinese art of placement focuses on energy flow and optimism. Specifically translating to “wind and water”, feng shui is most often used to improve areas of life through the arrangement of furniture or objects.
There are three power principles to remember when practicing feng shui.
They are:
- Chi – also known as energy; this is the constantly changing life force we feel around us that affects our lives either positively or negatively; use improvements (‘cures’) to keep chi from accumulating within your home
- The Five Elements – earth, fire, metal, water, and wood; each element has specific traits such as shape, color and attributes; effective feng shui balances each of these elements for a harmonious environment
- The Bagua Chart – the road map for all things feng shui; symbolizes the nine areas of life and helps determine where colors and objects based on the five elements should be placed to boost supportive chi
Let’s take a look at a bagua chart to get a better understanding o how we want to optimize.
Begin by aligning the chart with your front door to help you determine which areas of life match up to the segments of your home.
Then, take a quick inventory of your life and decide which areas you’d like to improve. If you believe career advancements may be the key to unlocking greater happiness, choose options that are most specific to that sector. The career sector is on the north side of your home and is most nourished by the water element as well as black accents.
Alternatively, if you think that improved wealth is the root of your personal happiness, focus your efforts on the southeast corner of your home and include objects that boost the wood element or contain the color purple.
Feng shui also has specific requirements when arranging furniture and objects to allow chi to flow more freely. For example, a bedroom has several conditions for creating a more positive space.
Sleep is an obvious factor in finding daily contentment, so use a solid headboard and a comfortable mattress to promote security and stability during sleep. Your bed’s position is also important. Make sure your bed is placed as far away from and facing toward the door, but not directly at it.
When considering decor, look for wall art that isn’t overbearing like heavy frames and photos. Instead, hang less imposing pieces such as light tapestries. If you prefer to have photos, only have pictures of who’s sleeping in the room to create a more commanding space.
Finally, especially if your bedroom is in the southwest corner of your home, make sure to adorn your space with two of everything. Nightstands, lamps, houseplants and throw pillows are some easy to pair options.
Remember, feng shui is just another way to create more mindful surroundings. No matter what area of life you choose to optimize for, combining the practices of feng shui with known strategies that unlock our fullest potential is a surefire way to achieving happiness.