An estimated 5.5 million US citizens are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease, and approximately 5.3 million are aged 65 and over. Not only does the disease impact the person living with the condition, but it also affects their loved ones, too. We are therefore providing helpful advice on how to live with Alzheimer’s disease to improve a person’s quality of life.
Set Realistic Goals
It is important to set realistic goals for a person living with Alzheimer’s disease, altering the plan as the dementia progresses. While there are some tasks a person may still be able to perform, other tasks may prove to be more challenging even with reminder aids.
Enjoy a Daily Routine
A daily routine will ensure the person living with the condition can accomplish various tasks each day, so they can maintain their independence. It will also reduce the likelihood of confusion or mistakes.
Take It One Task at a Time
Too many tasks can often lead to frustration, confusion or difficulties. Slow down the rate each task needs to be performed, so you can reduce the pressure to complete it. If a task proves to be too challenging, a break might be necessary, and you can return to the task a little later in the day.
Discuss Treatment Options
Different people will have different treatment options, which should be discussed with a doctor. More than likely, a doctor will prescribe medication to slow down the rate of dementia or reduce the symptoms.
Depending on your state, a person living with Alzheimer’s disease may also be able to receive medical marijuana, which can slow down the progression of dementia. While many people might not be happy to smoke cannabis, it can be an effective treatment option. Marijuana can block the enzyme in the brain that makes amyloid plaques, which can slow down its formation that kills brain cells and causes Alzheimer’s disease. You can even remove smell of weed from your home with ease.
Recognize Stress Triggers
Both the person living with Alzheimer’s disease or their carer should aim to identify any triggers that could be causing stress, anxiety or worry. For example, are they being rushed by a loved one? If so, explain the importance of slowing down and taking the time to accomplish each task at hand. By identifying what may cause stress in advance, you can choose the best tasks or activities for a person to undertake – and you can alter these tasks as the disease progresses.
Accept Help
Many people living with a form of dementia are often too proud to ask for help in the early stages of dementia. They may believe they are giving up their independence or that they may lose a sense of who they are, as a result. However, it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help from loved ones or a carer, who can help improve the control of your independence, rather than taking it away from you.