What is Left of Me: How I Lost the Weight and Found Myself

If you’ve been around for a while you’ve undoubtedly watched my weight loss journey unfold here, or maybe you caught me on The Today Show or in Woman’s World MagazineNow, you can pre-order What Is Left of Me and read about my full journey!

What is Left of Me Description

Beyond the typical explorations of a one-woman weight loss success story, What is Left of Me goes deeper; exploring the real and not always comfortable changes that occur following drastic weight loss, the struggle to maintain a new weight without losing touch with life before, and the need to individualize weight loss efforts to achieve success.


What this Book Offers

Unlike many self-help and fitness books on the market today, this author realizes and admits that there is no single approach solution for everyone. Because every person is unique, their path to success is their own. Throughout the book, the author relies on her experience and research to point out what worked for her while also encouraging her readers to seek out alternatives that might be a better fit for them. She further introduces an unfamiliar discussion of the pitfalls of successfully losing weight, devoting an entire chapter to what no one tells you about losing weight like loose skin, phantom fat and how you’re forced to effectively redefine yourself.

In this book, the author:

  • Shares a relocatable, deeply emotional personal story of hopelessness and despair turned in to success, health and happiness.
  • Outlines the struggles of living with obesity as a child into adulthood and as a parent.
  • Shares real life, practical tips for reaching goals regardless of context.
  • Offers insight on the difficult journey of losing weight and its emotional tax on self-esteem and adjusting to a new lifestyle.
  • Teaches the reader to love themselves again, or for the first time.
  • Generates tips for self-improvement and engages the reader to participate actively in constructing their own path toward success.
  • Offers practical advice for overhauling one’s lifestyle.
  • Covers meal planning and tracking in depth with worksheets in print and online.
  • Provides a full overview of a low carb diet and tips for implementing the diet while also acknowledging that a reader may not have similar success.
  • Provides an in depth look at some options for physical fitness using her experiences to direct the discussion while also making note of many alternatives.

Reader Benefits

  1. The reader will learn how to chart their own path to success with guidance from the author.
  2. The reader will feel a personal connection with the author and likely see themselves in her journey.
  3. The reader will actively participate in their own journey with writing prompts and soul-searching exercises.
  4. The reader will better understand why they have a weight issue, and in recognizing the underlying issues holding them back, have a better chance of successfully addressing them.
  5. The reader will learn about various eating plans for a healthier lifestyle with a strong focus on removing sugars from their diet. To that end, they will learn a significant amount about the low carb Atkins  lifestyle which the author used as part of her own weight loss journey.
  6. The reader will learn about various physical activity options including DDP Yoga, hiking, walking, gym workouts, at-home workouts and more.
  7. The reader will understand likely pitfalls to their success and how to address them including how to get and stay motivated during tough times and busting through stalls.
  8. The reader will have access to the author’s favorite recipes in the book as well as a growing online recipe resource to access over time.
  9. The reader will have worksheets in the book as well as a large collection of online resources that will be curated at ericabuteau.com/resources at publication.
  10. The reader will discover how to create a plan that works for them to become healthier and more active through the advice and inspiration from the author’s own success.

What is Left of Me Sample Chapters

Click through to the What is Left of Me Publishizer campaign HERE to read three sample chapters and to get a full outline and overview of the book, and of course – to pre-order today!