While you may not think that your air conditioning unit is important when the weather turns cold, proper maintenance during the winter will save you money on repair and energy bills year round.

Winter is fast approaching, and it’s time to prepare your home for the cold months ahead. While you may think that your air conditioning unit is not important during winter, it is equally important to maintain it properly to ensure that it runs efficiently come springtime. Proper maintenance of your AC during the winter will also save you money on repair and energy bills. Here are a few tips on how to take care of your AC during the winter months.

Properly Store Your AC Unit

The first step in taking care of your air conditioner during winter is to store it properly. You want to keep it safe from the elements and the harsh winter weather conditions. If you have one, you can cover the unit with a waterproof cover to protect it from snow, ice, and other harsh elements that may cause damage, however, it’s essential that you put it on properly and check it periodically to avoid any critters and pest from making it their new winter home. If the unit is small enough to be moved, be sure to turn off the power supply, unplug your unit, and remove all debris before storing it away.

Clean Your AC Unit Thoroughly

Cleaning your AC unit is essential. Before its winter dormancy, ensure that it’s clean from dirt and grime that may have accumulated over the summer months. Cleaning your unit regularly will prolong its lifespan and ensure that it operates efficiently when you need it next time. You can use a hose to rinse your unit or call a professional cleaner to ensure everything is cleaned as well as it can be.

Check Your Air Filters

Another thing you should do to maintain your AC during winter is to check your air filters. Over time, your filters can become clogged with dirt and debris. Dirty air filters impede proper airflow, which puts a strain on your air conditioning unit. It’s essential to replace air filters at least once every three months when in use, but even when it’s not in use, you should check them periodically throughout the season and replace them come spring.

Schedule Maintenance and Repairs

Maintenance and repair of your air conditioning unit are important when preparing for winter. You don’t want to wait until spring to discover that your unit needs fixing. Schedule a professional maintenance checkup and air conditioning repair to ensure that your unit is operating at its best and is ready for the next season. It’s also an opportune time to address any issues that may have developed over the summer.

Cover Your Ducts

The importance of covering your ducts cannot be overstated when it comes to preserving your AC unit during the winter months. Exposed ducts can lose a substantial amount of structural integrity, leading to increased energy bills and decreased efficiency come spring when it’s being used again. To prevent this, consider insulating your ducts, especially if they run through spaces that are not heated, such as attics or crawlspaces. Using duct insulation wrap or duct sealing tape can effectively reduce the impact of freezing temperatures and help maintain the efficiency of your system. Lastly, ensure to check for any leaks or gaps in your ductwork and fix them promptly to minimize energy wastage.

Proper maintenance of your AC unit during the winter will ensure that you’re ready for next season. Following these simple steps will save you money on repairs and energy bills, prolong the lifespan of your unit, and keep you comfortable all year long. Don’t wait until spring to get your unit fixed. Schedule maintenance and repairs today, and get ahead of the game. With a little work, you can ensure that your AC unit is running efficiently, no matter what the weather throws your way.

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