Having to deal with copious amounts of toys is part and parcel of being a parent, especially when your kids are still too young to go off and play in their rooms. Instead, you’ll likely end up not being able to move for toys that will be all over the floor in your living room, kitchen, and beyond. 

It’s an endless struggle for parents and, even when you manage to clear away at the end of every long day, the chances are that piles of boxed toys still ruin your home aesthetic. Unsurprisingly, then, you may well be crying out for a playroom where all of this stuff can be safely stored away. 

The trouble is that, with a growing family, all of your rooms may already be dedicated to one purpose or another. For obvious reasons, this can make a playroom feel out of reach. But what if we told you that needn’t be the case? Keep on reading to find out how you could fit a playroom into your house regardless.

The benefits of playrooms: Why bother?

Considering that creating space for your playroom is going to take time, energy, and a fair amount of creativity, you may be wondering why you should bother. In reality, though, as well as parent-based benefits including better headspace and more adult downtime in the evenings, playrooms bring a whole host of benefits for our kids, including – 

  • Increased safety while playing
  • A space that encourages cooperative play
  • Full rein for creative games
  • A ready-made space for playdates
  • An increased incentive to clean
  • Etc.

By taking toys largely out of the bedroom, a dedicated playroom can also end up being a game changer for both difficult bedtimes and early wakeups. That’s because, when they don’t spend any time playing in their bedrooms, even young children will be far more able to understand that the playroom is for play, and the bedroom is for sleeping. 

So, the facts speak for themselves – a playroom can bring more benefits than just helping you to get your home in order. But, what exactly are your options for slotting one into your already cramped space?

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Option 1: Adaptable rooms

Your home likely serves a very different function during the day than it does in the evening, and adaptable rooms provide a great opportunity for you to make the most of that. Simple things, like under seat storage, in-wall cupboards, and even foldable table sets within your living room could see this being a haven for the kids in the day and a peaceful, largely toy-free area in the evenings. Equally, you could use things like daybeds and sofa beds in your kid’s rooms to make for great, spacious play areas during the day. Simply get creative, consider where you could double up your room uses, and shop for the furniture that you need to make it happen!

Option 2: Affordable extensions

It’s unlikely that it’ll be worth your while paying for an actual home extension just so that you can introduce a playroom, but there are more affordable options for extending your home. Something like the addition of an insulated garden room, for example, could see your kids with a dedicated space to play that needn’t cost you a fortune. Equally, while they might get a bit warm in the height of summer, options like the porch screen rooms provided by A First Class aluminum contractors make for a fully enclosed area that may be ideal for toy storage and supervised play on cooler days. All without the need to knock down walls or call in the builders. 

Option 3: Space-saving consolidations

If you have multiple children, then you may find it worthwhile to consolidate your rooms so that you can more easily store growing toy piles. If you have a dedicated office, for instance, you could move your desk into a corner of the bedroom or living room, and buy yourself playroom space that way. Or, perhaps it may be the case that you have a dining room that you could free up by moving your dining furniture into the kitchen itself.

Even if you don’t have that luxury, something like consolidating your young children’s bedrooms may be worthwhile for allowing them a safe, dedicated, and separate space from which to play during the day. Then, you’ll always have the option of switching back to separate rooms again when they’re a little older, and have fewer toys to clutter the house with. 

Option 4: Small spaces

Given the amount of toys that your children have, you’re likely imagining that you need a decent-sized playroom, but it’s surprising when you can do it in a small space. Whether you repurpose your walk-in wardrobe, or even remodel your kitchen pantry for the cause, things like vertical playroom designs including climbing walls, tall storage units, and even wall-mounted tables as mentioned can all help to transform even tiny spaces. Equally, ideas like modular seating and multipurpose playroom tables mean that your kids will be able to get maximum use out of even a tiny playroom setup. Simply get creative, work out where you can create a space of this nature, and set about making it happen.


A playroom could transform both your home and how your children interact with toys that, at the moment, they likely don’t pay all that much attention to. Bringing focuses like toy rotations and arts and crafts to even a small playroom space can also ensure engaging, mess-free fun that you’ll all enjoy. And, whether you double up your living room for this purpose, or integrate a garden room into your daily spaces, there’s no reason why you can’t get started here, regardless of the size of your home. Simply consider which of these options is most suitable for your house as it is at the moment, stock up on anything that you need to make it happen, and then play around with playroom designs, setups, and uses to see which works best for your family! 

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