Modern air condition unit on a white wall inside the living room.

No home is truly comfy if the air quality is low. Besides the heightened discomfort occupants may feel, the risk of contracting disease is quite high in stuffy rooms and spaces. This is why your air ducts must remain clean at all times. How often you clean the ducts will depend on your unique situation, but there are signs to check for if you are unsure. Here are signs to know if your air ducts require cleaning.

  1. Debris & Dust

If you see puffs of dust and debris coming out of your HVAC system, this is a clear sign that the duct is dirty. Air ducts don’t usually realize dust when working unless they have been clogged. Excess dust in a home can trigger allergies and lead to other serious health conditions which can be avoided. Eliminate dusts and debris before they constitute a health nuisance.

  1. Clogged Filters

If you notice that your filter is not working as well as it should after a recent filter change, this is another evidence that the duct is clogged. Filters do require periodic changes, but only after a while, not often. If there is a need to replace your filter every few days, it means that the duct needs cleaning.

  1. Unpleasant Odor

Have you noticed an unpleasant odor coming from your HVAC system? Such odors can only mean one thing: that the ducts are clogged and require quality duct cleaning in Ottawa or your area. If you do your findings but can’t trace where the odor is coming from, you can hire an expert. Sniffing the air registers may or may not verify your suspicion, but based on historical evidence, clogged ducts are responsible. Use disinfectants if necessary and install air fresheners to eliminate the foul smell from your home.

  1. Mold & Mildew

The presence of mold and mildew in and around your HVAC system is evidence of moisture and clogging. Dust may trigger allergies, but mold is even worse for your health. Apart from causing allergies, mold and mildew also cause serious respiratory conditions and spread very quickly. Once you spot mold on your home or around cooling units and vents, take quick action before the situation gets worse. Clean the ducts and invest in a home humidifier to extract moisture so they can’t regrow and spread.

  1. Poor or Unstable Airflow

Your cooling system ensures that the air in your home remains stable, but should you notice a regular drop-in airflow, clean the air ducts for premium air release. The air quality in your house should remain stable in all the rooms, not only some of them. Check the vents for debris and clean them if necessary. In a situation where only one vent is clogged, do well to clean other vents to ensure temperature uniformity. Nothing beats the value of a fresh start.

  1. Vermin Infestation

Still on telltale signs that your ducts are blocked and need cleaning; check for vermin infestations. Pest droppings are not conducive in living areas, especially in ducts through which air flows into the home. Contaminated vents can spread disease-causing microbes, allergens, bacteria and viruses. If you notice pest droppings in air ducts, expedite cleaning. Also, eliminate rodents and other pests from your house to prevent or reduce a reoccurrence.

  1. Constant Dust Episodes

Your home should not get dusty not too long after your last cleaning session, but if it does, your vents and air ducts may be responsible. Failure to do so will make your house dust often, no matter how much effort you put into cleaning. A dusty house is an indication that a high volume of dust is gathering inside the HVAC ducts.


A clogged duct will cause an increase in your energy bills because your HVAC system will work twice as hard to cool or heat your home as much of the air generated is lost. If you recently moved into the home, enquire when the ducts and vents were cleaned. If it has been a while, don’t wait until you see signs of clogging or dust buildup; clean them immediately. To maintain the air quality in your home and the performance of your system, keep the ducts and vents clean and invest in a humidifier if there is excess moisture in your home.

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