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When you are dating, it is important that you know how to spot the signs of narcissism in relationships so that you can avoid narcissists where possible and so that you know what to do if you find yourself in a relationship (or even co-parenting) with one. Here is a quick guide to get you started with spotting narcissism in relationships in 2023. 

What are the Top Signs of a Narcissist? 

There are many signs that you can look for when you are trying to spot narcissists. A narcissist might constantly want to be in the spotlight and may make themselves so. They will be self-centered and think that they are better than everyone else. They will constantly talk about how great and successful they are, and they will have no interest in other people’s lives. You might find that they are emotionally distant and struggle to understand other people’s emotions. However, you might find that you are drawn to them at first because narcissists can often be charming and can take you into their orbit. 

What Should You do if You are in a Relationship With One?

If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, you should conduct research into narcissistic personality disorder so that you know what you are dealing with and what to expect, and you should also talk to them about your feelings. You should try to distance yourself from how they make you feel so as not to damage your self-esteem, too. However, if their actions are negatively impacting you and your health, you might consider ending the relationship or getting a divorce. 

What are Some Top Tips to Take Once the Relationship has Ended?

If you have recently gotten out of a relationship with a narcissistic person, you might only now be noticing just how narcissistic they are. Even though you are free from the relationship, their narcissism can still impact you. For instance, this can make co-parenting with them difficult. If you are in any doubt, you should look up signs you are co-parenting with a narcissist. Once you have done this, you might be able to develop coping strategies that can help you to co-parent effectively. You might also change your co-parenting style. You might also look at co-parenting counseling and get support from companies that can offer you advice and strategy sessions. 

Why is it Important to Spot the Signs?

It is important to spot the signs of narcissistic behavior so that you can change your own behavior and how you react to their actions accordingly. You can also make decisions about your relationship with them and whether you want it to continue, as well as get help if you need it. Noticing the signs will allow you to understand them and your relationship better, and they may also be able to seek help for their personality disorder, such as psychotherapy, that can allow them to thrive in the future without the arrogance and lack of empathy that narcissism can create. This can improve your relationship. 

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