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Women’s health is important and one of the most complicated medical research sectors. The field of gynecology is always expanding and changing, and scientists and doctors are finding out more and more every day. One of the most common and important issues they’ve identified is uterine fibroids: a non-cancerous growth usually attached to the uterus, also known as the womb. 

These growths can greatly impact a woman’s health and life. If you’re suffering from these growths, it’s important to know what you’ll be in store for over the course of your battle with it.

They make the menstrual cycle irregular.

The menstrual cycle is one of the most significant phases in the month for any woman. This cycle, even under normal circumstances, has a large impact on a person’s quality of life and daily routine due to bleeding, spotting, potential pain, and mood swings due to hormonal imbalances in the body. However, fibroids present in the wall of the uterus can cause dysmenorrhea, painful periods, and excessive bleeding, leading to anemia. These are just a few of the complications that can arise from fibroids in the uterus’s walls.

They affect fertility.

Fertility can be affected due to the presence of one or multiple fibroids in the muscular wall of a uterus. The uterus is important for fertility for many reasons. During conception, a female’s egg is placed in the fallopian tube, which opens into the uterus. When a sperm cell combines with it, it forms a zygote that travels down into the uterus and has to attach to the womb wall to survive. This process is called implantation. Implantation can be affected because fibroids are present in the part of the wall the zygote is trying to attach to. This can lead to failed conceptions.

They cause pregnancy complications.

As mentioned earlier, the uterus is where the fetus first develops. If, in this region, there are fibroids, there can be countless complications, including preterm labor. Preterm labor is when a pregnant woman goes into labor early before the expected 9 months or 36 weeks of development are up. This can cause developmental defects in the child. The placenta, which is another organ that attaches to the wall of the uterus, could also be disrupted due to the presence of a fibroid in its lining, which could eventually lead to a miscarriage or stillbirth.

They can affect the bladder.

A fibroid is just a benign mass, and if it gets big enough, it could affect more than just the uterus. The bladder is placed in front of the uterus in the female body, and a mass big enough to protrude out of the womb could pinch the bladder. This would cause pain, incontinence, and eventually a urinary tract infection. If you’re suffering from these symptoms and you find out you have fibroids, don’t worry because there are countless options for treatment in the US. Uterine fibroid treatment in Memphis, TN, is a great option for anyone looking for the best specialists in the country.

They can cause severe pain.

Fibroids can affect multiple things depending on their size. Another complication from these benign masses could be if they grow large enough to pinch a nerve. This is fairly common in women who have not received treatment. In some severe cases, this results in pelvic pain, even numbness, and a tingling sensation in the hips and feet.


Uterine fibroids are not to be taken lightly. They may not be cancerous or immediately life-threatening, but they cause concern. If you suspect you may have these growing in your womb, you should get yourself tested to confirm that theory. If you suffer from this condition, there are countless ways to combat or minimize the associated symptoms and problems.

However, it’s vital to catch this problem early and take steps and measures against it before it gets out of hand. Follow the advice in this article to make sure you’re able to maintain your health in the long term. 

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