close up shot of turmeric powder

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Turmeric, often referred to as the “Golden Spice,” has been revered for its medicinal properties for centuries. In recent times, the popularity of turmeric milk has increased, especially among health enthusiasts seeking natural remedies and holistic health practices. The recent COVID-19 has further signified the importance of turmeric milk. The combination of warm milk and turmeric, known as “turmeric milk”, “haldi milk” or “golden milk,” has gained fame for its potential health benefits. While the positive effects of turmeric are well-established, the specific implications of consuming turmeric milk on an empty stomach are a subject of much discussion and curiosity.

In this article, we will delve into the potential haldi milk benefits and risks associated with drinking turmeric milk on an empty stomach.

Understanding Turmeric and Its Active Compound Curcumin

 Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to South Asia. It is a key ingredient in traditional Indian Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. The primary active compound responsible for turmeric’s health benefits is curcumin, a natural polyphenol with potent medicinal properties.

 Potential Health Benefits of Drinking Turmeric Milk on an Empty Stomach

The following are some key health benefits of consuming turmeric milk on an empty stomach:

Enhanced Absorption of Curcumin

 One of the main reasons why some individuals prefer consuming turmeric milk on an empty stomach is to enhance the absorption of curcumin. Curcumin is poorly absorbed by the body on its own, but when consumed with fat-rich substances like milk, the bioavailability of curcumin increases. This improved absorption allows the body to better utilize curcumin’s health-promoting properties, which include its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

 Boosted Immune System

Turmeric is known for its immune-boosting properties and when consumed on an empty stomach, it may help prime the immune system for the day. Curcumin’s immune-modulatory effects can support the body’s defense mechanisms against infections and illnesses.

 Alleviation of Digestive Issues

Drinking turmeric milk on an empty stomach may aid in soothing various digestive issues. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, potentially benefiting individuals suffering from conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and indigestion.

 Detoxification Support

Turmeric is also believed to aid in liver detoxification. Consuming turmeric milk on an empty stomach may help cleanse the liver and improve its ability to eliminate toxins from the body.

 Reduced Joint Pain and Inflammation

 Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory properties make turmeric milk an appealing choice for individuals suffering from joint pain and arthritis. Drinking turmeric milk on an empty stomach could help alleviate morning stiffness and promote joint health.

Precautions and Potential Risks

 Below are some potential risks associated with turmeric milk although on a maximum, it does not pose any health risks.

Gastric Discomfort

 While some individuals may tolerate turmeric milk well on an empty stomach, others may experience gastric discomfort. Turmeric has the potential to trigger acid reflux or exacerbate existing gastrointestinal issues, such as ulcers or gastritis. If you have a sensitive stomach or a history of digestive problems, it is advisable to consume turmeric milk after a meal to minimize the risk of irritation.

 Interference with Medications

 Curcumin can interact with certain medications, including blood thinners, antiplatelet drugs and antacids. Consuming turmeric milk on an empty stomach may lead to a higher concentration of curcumin in the bloodstream, potentially increasing the risk of interactions with medications. If you are on any medication, it is essential to consult your healthcare provider before incorporating turmeric milk into your daily routine.

 Risk of Allergic Reactions

Turmeric allergies are relatively rare but not unheard of. Drinking turmeric milk on an empty stomach could increase the likelihood of an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals. If you experience any allergic symptoms, such as hives, itching or difficulty breathing after consuming turmeric milk, seek medical attention immediately.

 Risk of Iron Absorption Interference

 Curcumin might inhibit the absorption of non-heme iron from plant-based sources. For individuals relying on vegetarian or vegan diets, drinking turmeric milk on an empty stomach could hinder the absorption of iron from subsequent meals. If you have iron deficiency or rely on plant-based sources for iron, it is advisable to consume turmeric milk with other meals instead.

 Methods of Consuming Turmeric Milk

Consuming turmeric milk on an empty stomach can be a beneficial practice when done mindfully. To ensure maximum benefits and minimize potential risks, follow these steps:


 Begin by gathering the necessary ingredients, which include turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root, milk (dairy or plant-based), a natural sweetener like honey or maple syrup (optional) and a pinch of black pepper. The inclusion of black pepper is essential as it enhances the absorption of curcumin, the active compound in turmeric.

Choose High-Quality Ingredients

Opt for organic turmeric powder or fresh turmeric root to ensure the purity and potency of the spice. Likewise, select high-quality milk, such as organic cow’s milk or unsweetened plant-based milk, depending on your dietary preferences.

 Turmeric Milk Preparation

 In a container, add one cup of milk and bring it to a gentle simmer. If using fresh turmeric root, peel and grate it before adding it to the milk. Alternatively, if using turmeric powder, add one teaspoon to the simmering milk. Stir the mixture well to ensure even distribution of the turmeric.

 Add Black Pepper

To further enhance the effect of curcumin, sprinkle a pinch of black pepper into the turmeric milk. The piperine in black pepper aids in the absorption of curcumin into the bloodstream.

 Let It Cool

Allow the turmeric milk to cool slightly before consuming it. Drinking overly hot liquids on an empty stomach might lead to gastric discomfort in some individuals.

 Consume Mindfully

 When you have prepared the turmeric milk to your liking, consume it mindfully on an empty stomach. Avoid rushing the process and take small sips to allow your body to adjust to the beverage.

Observe Your Body’s Response

 Pay attention to how your body reacts to the turmeric milk. While some individuals may experience positive effects, others may be more sensitive to the drink. If you notice any discomfort or adverse reactions, consider consuming turmeric milk after a meal instead.

 Consult a Healthcare Professional

Before incorporating turmeric milk into your daily routine on an empty stomach, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or take medications, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice based on your health status.


Turmeric milk, a delightful blend of warm milk and the “Golden Spice” turmeric, has gained immense popularity for its potential health benefits. When consumed on an empty stomach, turmeric milk may enhance the absorption of curcumin, boost the immune system, alleviate digestive issues, support detoxification and reduce joint pain and inflammation.

However, it is essential to approach this practice with caution, as drinking turmeric milk on an empty stomach may not suit everyone. Potential risks include gastric discomfort, interactions with medications, allergic reactions and interference with iron absorption.

As with any health-related practice, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating turmeric milk into your daily routine, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medications.

Incorporated mindfully and responsibly, turmeric milk can be a delightful addition to a healthy lifestyle, offering numerous potential health benefits for those who enjoy this ancient elixir.

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