A juice detox helps flush out toxins from the body, enables resetting of the system, and aids weight loss. It also comes with a wide range of other health benefits, like a boost in your energy levels and glowing skin. 

Depending on your temperament, lifestyle, and what you intend to achieve from a juice detox, you can do it for three to ten days, while some people tend to stretch it even longer, but that depends on the type of juice cleanses.

If you, too, are considering a juice detox, there are a few things you must know beforehand so you are prepared and know what to expect from the process and its outcome. Here are five things you should know before you start. 

Preparing Your Kitchen

Prepare your kitchen and pantry before starting a juice detox, and you will thank yourself later for this. If you have any unhealthy or junk food lying around, you may be highly tempted to give up on the first or second day of the detox. It is better to remove any healthy food also that is not a part of the detox plan. Do not throw it out; just give it to the neighbors, or if the food is sealed, lock it away out of sight. 

Eliminating all the distractions will make it easier for you to focus on your juice detox and prevent you from giving in to your cravings. Do grocery shopping ahead of the detox and stock up on all the items you will need for the duration of the juice detox. 

Preparing Your Body

Before you begin a cleanse, you must gradually prepare your body and eliminate certain elements from your diet instead of going cold turkey. Lower your calorie intake during the days leading up to the juice detox, and eat smaller portions than you are used to eating. 

It is also a good idea to increase your fiber intake as you will be taking less dietary fiber during detox. Avoid foods with refined sugar, dairy products, and excessive meat. Also, lower your alcohol and caffeine intake during the days preceding the juice detox so that you do not suffer from extreme withdrawal symptoms like hunger cravings, headaches, and irritability during the cleanse. Reducing and eventually removing them from your routine a few days before the detox will help reduce the intensity of side effects.

Staying Hydrated

Another important aspect you must keep in mind is hydration. If you are not too particular about your water intake, you must start now. It will help you overcome your cravings and will also balance your metabolism. Water helps flush out the toxins from your body and carries the nutrients to the cells. Adequate water intake is hence important before and during the detox, and you must try to maintain this habit even after the detox.

If you find it hard to keep track of your water intake, set a timer and drink one glass of water after every hour. Alternatively, keep a bottle with you and continue sipping water throughout the day. 

Managing Social Engagements

Nowadays, most social engagements revolve around food and drinks, and you cannot have either during the detox. Hence if an important social event is scheduled for a day you are on a detox, you may find it hard to stick to your juice cleanse. Those events will most likely not feature any cleanse-friendly drinks or smoothies. 

Hence, plan your detox while ensuring you have no pending social engagements. If an invitation pops up suddenly, you can communicate to your friend or family member about your ongoing detox. This will give you the flexibility to accept or decline the invitation as you deem appropriate.

Being Prepared for Side Effects

Juice detox, when done properly and with preparation, may not cause any side effects. However, there are exceptions. Some individuals may experience various juice detox symptoms like headaches due to sugar or caffeine withdrawal. Weaning off coffee and refined foods gradually ahead of the detox can help prevent headaches. 

If you have bloating or diarrhea due to an increased intake of vegetables and fruit, you can take probiotics or fermented juices. Similarly, increasing your water intake before the detox will help prevent constipation during the cycle. You must also be prepared for body aches or fatigue during detox. Getting adequate rest and staying hydrated will help in this case. 

Final Thoughts

Knowing what to expect during the detox will help you prepare mentally and physically for what lies ahead. You will be able to ease into the detox process and cope better with the challenges to achieve the desired results. 

Moreover, starting the preparation for juice detox some days early will enable you to reap maximum benefits out of the process, and you will experience a boost in your energy and a reset of your digestive system. You will also see an improvement in your skin and experience improved sleep quality.

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