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Most of us have dreams, many of us do not dare pursue those dress because we fear failure or hardship along the way, and it’s easier for our dreams to remain just that – dreams! Well, buckle up because we’re about to dive headfirst into why NOW is actually the perfect time to follow your dreams and turn them into a reality…

You know that little niggling voice in your head? The one that’s been whispering, “Now’s the time, dude!” every time you think about your dreams? Well, guess what? That voice is right on the money. There’s no time like the present, buddy! Let’s unpack this, shall we?

A golden age of opportunities

First off, let’s talk about the big, shiny world of opportunities out there. We’re living in the golden age of the side hustle, the passion project, and the entrepreneurial spirit. There’s a whole playground of possibilities waiting for you to swing by. You just need to jump off the proverbial swing and land in the sandbox of your dreams.

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Education has never been more accessible

But here’s the kicker: achieving your dreams often requires a pinch of knowledge, a dash of skill, and a boatload of tenacity. That’s where going back to school comes in. “But wait,” I hear you say, “I thought my school days were behind me?” Nope! Not if you’re a dream-chaser extraordinaire.

Returning to school can be as terrifying as realizing you’ve run out of coffee on a Monday morning. But it’s also the express lane on the highway to Dreamsville. It’s a chance to fill in the gaps in your know-how, buff up those rusty skills, and strut your stuff in the playground of potential, whether you’ve been called to get your Masters in Divinity at Saint Paul School of Theology so you can live your religion, or you need to study business so you can get your ideas out of your head and into the world of industry.

Here’s the good news: schools have never been more accessible. Thanks to the magic of the internet, you often don’t even need to change out of your PJ’s to attend class. Online programs, webinars, podcasts – the list goes on. Education is just a click away. So, even if you can’t make it to campus, you can still follow your dreams.

There’s no time like the present

Consider this: the future is a mystery, but the present? That’s all yours. You’ve probably heard the old saying, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” Cliché? Maybe. True? Absolutely!

This very moment, this “now,” is the perfect time to follow your dreams because it’s all you’ve got. You can’t change the past (unless you’ve got a time machine tucked away, in which case, do share!), and you can’t predict the future. But you can grab hold of the present and steer it in the direction of your dreams.

So, grab your dreams by the horns and do what you need to do to be who you really want to be!

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