asian woman touching showcase of shop with decorative items

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Money and services build up a town when you support your local economy. To ensure your town doesn’t become a chain of clones, you can do things such as stay at local hotels in and around the area. And when eating out, visiting your favorite local restaurants is always a treat.

Use Services that Do the Same

One of the easiest ways you can support the businesses in your area is by using local services that also do the same. The best local economies are the ones that support each other. For example, your favorite local seafood restaurant will buy from fishermen living nearby. And some will also support good causes in the area. For example, Saint Germain Catering ( donates to charity.

Stay at Local Lodgings

When you use an established and well-known chain brand, none of the money made goes back to the community. Instead, it floats up to corporate for undeserved bonuses and company retreats. Hotels are a major industry in many towns and cities. And local ones need all the help they can get to compete with larger brands. So when you venture out somewhere you love, consider the local bed and breakfast, which will also typically source their items from locals.

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Use Suppliers to Support Your Local Economy

Further to local suppliers, it always helps a small economy to use there. Most local suppliers will work hand in hand and help each other out. This creates a mini economy and a strong supply chain. And when this works, everyone prospers. Small villages and towns often come together for this. But even micro-communities within large cities can benefit from the idea of working with each other. The food tourism sector benefits in a major way from this method of doing business.

Go Local when Dining Out

Eating out for good food is a great treat for anyone. Well-made food is a privilege, and in the US alone, the average American family spends over $3,000 per year on dining out. So why not use that money in your local restaurants instead of the often poor chains such as fast food places? This investment goes a long way to not only making sure your restaurants can source better local produce but will help keep them in business against the often huge competition.

Give to Good Local Causes

There is never a shortage of local projects in any small town or village. Most of the time, volunteers work on these for free. But there are other associated costs. For example, a community garden project will require equipment and tools. But you don’t even need to give money for these. You could donate spare gardening tools you have. This kind of community spirit is what makes a good place to live, and you can even donate to local animal causes too.


You can support your local economy in various ways. It helps to pay it forward by using local services that source locally. And local suppliers for things like food are always much better than anything in the supermarket. And getting involved in local projects and causes will always help.

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