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Although food processors and blenders perform some of the same functions, they cannot be used interchangeably for each other. But what could be the harm in using one for the other? Primarily, a food processor is used for outcomes that can be eaten with a fork or a spoon, while blenders are used for outcomes that you are going to drink. Here are some of the other differences between blenders and food processors that should be taken into account.
Features That Blenders And Food Processors Have
In the argument of Food Processor vs Blender, a food processor can slice, shred, and chop. A blender, on the other hand, can crush ice and liquefy foods for the purpose of drinking. A blender also only has a fixed blade at the bottom of the vessel and a tall container that’s great for pouring. A food processor comes with multiple blades and discs that can be swapped out to achieve different functions, whether you want to dice vegetables into smaller pieces or make salsa. A food processor has a much wider bowl that makes it easy for you to add larger ingredients.
Similarities Between Blenders And Food Processors
Though they do have many differences, the two devices also have some features in common with each other. In terms of their inner workings, both blenders and food processors do have a motor in their base that makes the blades spin. The container sits on top of this motor holding the food you’re blending/processing.
The Best Things To Make In A Blender
Blenders work best for smooth or liquid recipes. For this reason, they tend to have a higher power in order to turn food into liquids by making the blades spin faster. Blenders work best for wet ingredients, such as smoothies or soups, frothed milk, mousse, puddings, and custards. Frozen drinks are most commonly made in blenders, by adding fruit into milk with other flavours, and sometimes ice. For recipes like bisque, then some of the soup needs to be liquified in order to turn the solid ingredients into a liquid to add more flavor.
The Best Things To Make In A Food Processor
Food processors are the best choice if you need chunk results at the end, such as salsa, hummus, or any other result that isn’t liquid. The blades do spin much slower so there’s less power in the motor. You can add dry ingredients to a food processor without any liquid, such as making bread crumbs that you can use to make meatloaf or to add to a salad. A food processor also comes with other attachments, one of which you can use to knead dough to make bread. Don’t want to cut onions by hand? You can remove the skin and cut it into chunks, then add it to your food processor so that it dices it for you.
Having both a blender and a food processor allows you to explore a wide variety of recipes out there with ease. Each appliance has something to offer, so there’s no reason to only have one in your home, especially if you want to explore different food textures and flavors.