With the arrival of spring, it’s time to get ready for warmer weather and outdoor activities. Taking advantage of the warm weather days before spring officially arrives is a great way to prepare your home and garden for the upcoming season. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can make the most of these days and get your home and garden ready for spring.
Cleaning Up Your Yard
One of the first steps in getting your yard ready for spring is cleaning up any winter debris that may have accumulated over the course of the cold months. Rake up leaves, sticks, and other items that have collected on your lawn, trim back any dead or dying plants, and pull out any weeds that may be trying to establish themselves. You should also take this opportunity to check your gutters to make sure they are clear of leaves or other debris that could cause drainage issues.
Sprucing Up Your Garden
Once you’ve cleared away all of the debris, you can start sprucing up your garden. If you’re feeling adventurous, consider planting some new perennials or annuals that will bring more color to your yard when they bloom in later months. If you prefer a more low-maintenance approach, opt instead for shrubs or trees that require less upkeep once they’re established. You should also consider adding mulch around plants and trees to help retain moisture during dry spells and create a neat appearance throughout your garden scape design.
Preparing Your Home
Taking advantage of warm days before spring officially arrives is also a good time to start preparing the inside of your home for the changing season. Check the exterior walls and windows of your house for any cracks or damage that could let in pests or cause moisture problems over time; if necessary, repair these areas as soon as possible with high-quality materials designed specifically for outdoor use. You should also check outdoor lighting fixtures to make sure they are functioning properly; if needed, replace bulbs or upgrade existing fixtures with energy-efficient models so you can save money on electricity bills later in the year. Seek out HVAC or furnace repair if your home isn’t getting cool or warm enough as well. Finally, inspect all decks, porches, patios, fences, and other outdoor structures for signs of wear; if necessary, pressure wash these areas with mild detergent and sealant so that they last longer through the summer months ahead.
Taking advantage of warm days before spring officially arrives is an excellent way to get ready for warmer weather activities. Cleaning up winter debris from your yard while sprucing up your garden with new perennials or trees can greatly improve aesthetic appeal. So take advantage of these pre-spring days while you still can to prepare your home for the upcoming warm weather!