yellow steel bathtub

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There are so many jobs out there where you can say that your well-being can be jeopardized. Just think about it for a moment, jobs such as warehouse workers, retail, medical staff (especially nurses), and those in the restaurant industry are constantly on their feet. It can honestly be so exhausting and even mentally draining having to be on your feet for so many hours at a time. While yes, it’s far from ideal, sometimes standing for long periods of time is just something that goes with the job. 

So, if you have to be on your feet all day for work, is there truly anything you can do to make the comfort a little easier? Is there a way to avoid all of those blisters? Fortunately, there are ways to stay comfortable, so keep reading on! 

Start with Your Shoes

That’s right; you need to start off by wearing the right shoes. The shoes you wear can make a huge difference in how comfortable you feel. They can also prevent injuries and foot health issues like bunions, shin splints, or lower back pain. Your shoes can truly make a world of difference in how you’re going to work and how well you can stay comfortable. 

If you can, you should always try to opt for something such as sneakers or tennis shoes. There are shoes that are specifically made for people who will be on their feet for hours at a time, so those are always recommended to look into first. 

Can You Take Breaks Often?

If you’re able to take breaks often, rather than one every four hours, then this can help you out a lot. In fact, one of the most important things you can do when on your feet all day is to take a break. Taking a break gives your body time to rest and relax, something that’s obviously needed for everyone, regardless of age. You should always sit when getting breaks if you’re able to. This way, it gives your feet a chance to rest up. 

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Compressions Socks are Your Friend

Surprisingly, compression socks still seem to be one of those hidden gems that not a lot of people have discovered yet. If you have a labor-intensive job, then you’re going to outright love compression socks. A lot of people’s feet begin to swell up if they’re on their feet for long periods of time. Not just that, but they become pretty tender and harder to walk on too. There are plenty of medical stockings online that you can take advantage of. Seriously, this is one of the best investments if you work long hours!

Don’t Forget to Stretch Your Legs!

That’s right, even when you’re standing, you can still benefit from some stretches here and there. These can actually help your feet out too!  It can help reduce muscle fatigue, realign your posture, and prevent soft tissue injuries. This does include the foot too. You don’t need to do a lot of stretches like you would if you were to work out but some hamstring stretches and some “chicken stretches” can help your feet and legs out quite nicely. These only take a couple of seconds to do, so can be done even when you’re not on break.