A tree that has been recently cut down

Trees are necessary for our survival. They provide clean air and shade for us but also a natural habitat to all the world’s other species. Those species are necessary for our survival too! Hence further cementing their importance. 

But as the world evolves and urbanizes, trees can also be a huge threat to infrastructure and property. So, what do you do when you need an emergency tree removal?

Why Would You Need an Emergency Tree Removal

Deterioration Due To Weather

Large trees are especially strong. However, they are still vulnerable to damage caused by extreme weather, like hail or thunderstorms. Once damaged, their branches weaken and are prone to falling. These would hurt people or even parked cars nearby, so it gets very dangerous for them to stay up.


Just like humans, trees can also get illnesses or diseases. The most common form of the disease is an infestation, and an insect infestation makes trees very fragile. For example, trees affected by Dutch elm disease may become brittle and easily break, posing a hazard to anyone nearby. You might need to remove it as soon as possible.

Damage Of Foundation

Root damage can weaken the stability of a tree, causing it to lean or even fall. Why does the foundation get damaged? It could be due to any construction in a nearby place that could have unintentionally messed with the tree’s root growth.

What Should You Do?

Suppose your backyard tree suffered severe damage from heavy rain last night. What do you do next?

Analyze The Situation

If you suspect a tree poses an immediate danger, the first step is assessing the situation. You must see where the damages are and how intense. Suppose you believe the branches to be damaged. How bad is the damage? Do they look like they are weak and prone to falling? Do you see any roots coming out of the ground? Any of these factors could pose a threat. If you are unsure, call a professional!

Call A Professional

If you’re sure your tree needs to be cut down, it’s time to call an arborist. If you’re unsure of whether there is any damage and want a second opinion, it is smart to do the same thing.

An arborist is going first to assess your tree for any damages. If you need an emergency removal, it will do it in a way that does not pursue any further damage. Depending on where you live, let’s suppose Portland, research emergency tree removal in Portland to get the most viewed services! 

You must call a professional and not do this yourself because there could be power lines nearby or cars, and you could end up worsening the situation.

Regular Maintenance

Now that you have talked to a professional, get their card and get their advice on regular maintenance. Prevention is key to avoiding future emergencies. Regular tree maintenance, including pruning and trimming, can help prevent trees from becoming overgrown and unstable. 

Additionally, be aware of any signs of disease or insect infestation and seek the advice of a professional arborist.

Things to Look out for!

When it comes to emergency tree removal, there are certain things to look out for to ensure the job is done safely and efficiently. It is for your safety, those around you, and the protection of nature!

Genuine License

Make sure the tree removal service you choose is licensed and insured. It’s not smart to have amateurs take on such a heavy task, and if it’s your property, it could go through further damage. They should also have certified arborists on staff to ensure the job is done correctly.

Appropriate Equipment

The tree removal service should have specialized equipment to remove the tree safely and efficiently. Workers should also have safety gear such as hard hats, safety glasses, and gloves. Please confirm whether their equipment is insured. There could be damage during the task, and it is smart not to get into legal issues during the procedure.

Customer Reviews

Before calling any professional, you must check the reviews of their efficiency and practice. Look for positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. It is smarter to hire a service with many reviews and a few bad ones than one with very few reviews and only good ones. Prioritize experience over here.  


If you’ve reached this point, we hope you’ve realized the importance of calling a professional for your necessary emergency tree needs. Please don’t try to do it alone as it is dangerous, and you might not have the right equipment.