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Our pets are always more than just pets – they are part of the family. And, the older they get, the more care they are going to need. Just like humans, as pets age, the care they need changes, and you’ll need to adapt to make sure you meet them.
One of the first things we notice as our animal ages are the slightly grey fur that appears and the slowness in how they move. So what can we do to make sure that they are well taken care of as they cruise into old age?
Here are ten tips to help you take care of your aging pet.
First and foremost, the older pets get, the more they want to snuggle and be cozy. While they are still active and need to be, taking it slow and spending plenty of time with your pet is never going to be time wasted for you or them.
Just like people, when your pet gets older, you might notice they need more rest. Try to leave them to get the sleep that they need, even if it means adjusting walk times and other plans.
Pet fur changes as they age, and it often becomes thicker and drier. Aside from a good diet with a pet supplement, grooming regularly can help keep it healthy.
Brain games
Even if your old buddy is getting comfier on the couch than usual – they will still love some brain games. Make sure you still have toys and games for mental stimulation – and play games with them too!
Often the bigger the animal, the harder life is on their joints. And as they get older, they will need even more care. Fish oils are highly recommended for joints, as well as some height adjustments to their beds and steps when needed.
Just like when humans get older, the teeth care of your pet will become even more important as they will be more susceptible to plaques, teeth pain, and more. Dental-check ups and treats that are designed to help with teeth are ideal.
You can both keep active but take it slower and more steadily than before. If you have a dog and are used to climbing hills and long hikes, enjoying a more leisurely pace keeps them active and fit.
Weight gain
As pets slow down and become less active, they do become more likely to put weight on. And adjustment to their diet is usually enough to avoid weight gain.
When pets are younger, the food they eat is designed to help them grow, but when they are older, it is to support their immune systems and general health. Making sure you have the right food for your pet is a must.
Your best friend in making sure that your pet has a long and comfortable old age is the vet. They are the best way to prevent illness and treat anything urgent.
Perhaps you aren’t at the old age end of the scale yet, and you’re still trying to decide which pet suits your family better – here are some tips to help: 7 Kid-Friendly Pets to Consider for Your Family – Erica R. Buteau.