If you’re experiencing aches and pains due to an injury or a medical condition, it’s important to find a pain management practice that reflects your personal needs and lifestyle. You may prefer to avoid prescription pain medications due to their potential side effects or addictive risks, and invasive measures such as surgery are probably something you’d consider as a last resort. Fortunately, you don’t have to rely on conventional medicine alone or opt for measures that don’t align with your personal values in order to find relief. There are a variety of solutions that can fit your own unique needs. Keep reading for five tips to bring you ease from your aches and pains.

1. Apply Heat or Cold

A tried and true method for managing chronic pain is to apply either heat or cold to the affected area. Determining which temperature to use will depend on your type of pain. A warm compress can be great if you’re looking for a soothing, gentle way to relieve discomfort due to stiff joints or sore muscles. This works by loosening stiffness, increasing blood flow, and distracting the brain from pain. If inflammation is the cause of your tenderness, this can often be addressed best by applying cold to the target area. In addition to reducing inflammation, cool temperatures can interrupt pain signals by slowing nerve impulses.

2. Try Moving

While it may seem counterintuitive, a bit of physical movement or exercise might provide some relief. This is particularly true if you’re dealing with joint pain. Moving your body releases endorphins. These hormones are secreted in the brain and nervous system, activating your body’s opioid receptors to produce an analgesic effect that dulls the pain. Choose an exercise according to your current fitness level, how you’re feeling, and the resources you have at hand. Taking a simple walk could help if the weather allows it. A gentle exercise like tai chi, yoga, or water aerobics may also be quite suitable.

3. Look to Alternative Practices

There are a number of holistic or alternative practices that can serve as excellent supplements to traditional medical treatment. Meditation or other mindfulness techniques are wonderful ways to relax your body and mind. There are various types of meditation like guided, mindfulness, or transcendental meditation. Feel free to research and experiment to see which you find most appealing. You can also look for apps that can provide you with easy access to a variety of meditation tools that can assist you in creating a practice that works for you. Acupuncture or even massage can also successfully reduce pain.

4. Consider Using Supplements

There are a variety of natural supplements that can soothe the pain. They can be taken or applied in various forms such as pills, tinctures, edibles, or topical formulations. Each has properties that serve specific purposes, so some guidance and experimentation may be necessary. For example, turmeric contains the ingredient curcumin which offers natural anti-inflammatory properties. Omega-3 fatty acids, or fish oil, can also reduce inflammation. Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, oil is quickly becoming one of the most popular supplements for pain relief. CBD is a compound found in cannabis, but it doesn’t produce the psychoactive effects of THC. It works with the central nervous system’s endocannabinoid system to manage discomfort. Cannabis products can produce the same or even enhanced benefits in areas where they are legal. Research cannabis dispensary locations near Bend, Oregon to find a reputable vendor.

5. Get Social

There have been studies that show those with social support report lower pain than those without. Taking time to get together with friends and loved ones may increase your mood and provide you with the added bonus of lessening your pain. Chronic pain support groups are another valuable source of socialization and commiseration.


Keep these tips in mind when looking for ways to ease your pain naturally. Choose one or more that seems to best suit the type of discomfort you’re dealing with and that fits in well with your lifestyle practices. You can add methods or make adjustments as trial and error dictates. You may be surprised to discover the benefits they can offer.