After you have been involved in a car accident and see the damage your vehicle has sustained, you may be cringing at the thought of just how much the repairs may cost, especially if you have any concerns about an insurance company refusing to pay. Yet if you know what is involved in situations like this, you can find the process to be much easier than you anticipated. If you’re wondering how to pay for car repairs after an accident, here is all you need to know.
The Other Driver’s Insurance Company
If police determined the other driver was responsible for the accident, you should be able to file a claim with the driver’s insurance company. If the driver has liability, property damage, or another related type of coverage, you should be able to get your car repaired or replaced if it was a total loss.
Collision Coverage
Should you be responsible for the accident or the other driver does not have enough insurance coverage to cover the repairs your vehicle needs, you can file a claim with your auto insurer for your collision coverage to kick in and pay the repair costs. If you do this, be aware that since it was determined you were at fault for the accident, chances are your insurer will raise your premiums.
Uninsured Driver
If your vehicle is damaged by a driver who has no insurance coverage, you may think you have no recourse to make them pay for the damages. However, that is not the case. In this situation, you can hire an auto accident attorney and file a lawsuit against the driver. Most states will hold an uninsured driver financially responsible for any damage they inflict on vehicles or property. However, when filing your lawsuit, you and your lawyer will have to hope the uninsured driver has enough assets available to pay for your repairs.
Repair Cost Disputes
Unfortunately, insurance companies are never eager to pay out claims for auto accidents. Thus, even if you had nothing to do with causing the accident and have taken the appropriate steps to get repair estimates from reputable auto repair shops, don’t be surprised if you and your insurance company disagree on what it will cost to repair your vehicle. Should this happen, let your attorney handle the negotiations.
Though it may be a complex and time-consuming process to get your car repaired, knowing the steps to take and what may occur along the way can make it easier and quicker to get your car back on the road.