As more and more stress accumulates in the personal and professional lives of people everywhere, addiction has become an even bigger problem than it was only a few years ago. Unfortunately, addiction can happen to all types of people, even a loved one whom you thought such a problem was simply impossible. Yet as you take a closer look at your family member, you may start to see signs that something is just not right. To know the time has come for your loved one to seek addiction treatment, here are some common signs you need to recognize.
Behavioral Changes
While changes in behavior can be the result of many things, it is very often a sign of addiction problems. If your loved one has always been a person who was happy and smiling but now rarely talks to you about anything and is hanging out with a very different crowd of so-called friends, addiction treatment may be needed.
Changes in Appearance and Hygiene
When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they tend to care less and less about their appearance. Should you begin to notice your loved one is no longer bathing regularly, wearing the same dirty clothing for days on end, and is smelling like alcohol every time you are around them, it’s a good bet substance abuse treatment should be sought as soon as possible.
They Can’t Stop Their Habit
When your loved one has a habit that they just can’t seem to quit on their own, it’s time to seek out professional addiction treatment. When a person relapses over and over, this signals they have lost control of the situation and cannot function on a day-to-day basis without drugs or alcohol. Even if they swear this will be the last time they relapse, don’t give in to what your heart may be telling you. Instead, do what your head tells you and help your loved one get into an addiction treatment program.
Mood Swings
Finally, mood swings are very common in people who have substance abuse problems. One day they may be very happy, while the next day they may be very depressed. If the mood swings are severe enough, they could pose a risk to you or possibly themselves. Rather than wait until a tragedy unfolds, help your loved one obtain substance abuse treatment.
Though it may be the hardest decision you ever make, doing what is needed to get your loved one into a reputable addiction treatment program may ultimately be what saves their life.