If you travel often, you may be wondering if you need to get additional auto insurance. The answer to this question depends on a few things, such as how much coverage you currently have and where you’ll be traveling. Let’s explore some scenarios that might help with your decision!
Comprehensive and Collision
If you have comprehensive collision coverage on your current policy, you may not need to get additional insurance when you travel. These types of coverage typically follow your car, no matter where it’s located. So, if you were to get in an accident while traveling, your insurance is likely to cover the damages, per the policy provisions and loss scenario. If you only have liability coverage on your current policy, you may want to consider getting additional insurance when you travel. This is because liability only covers damages to the other person’s car, not your own. So, if you were to get into an at-fault accident and damage your own car, you would be responsible for the repairs.
International Travel
Another thing to consider when deciding whether or not to get additional auto insurance when traveling is where you’ll be going. If you’re only planning on staying in the United States, you likely won’t need to get additional insurance. If you’re planning on traveling internationally, you’ll want to check in with your insurer to verify coverage extensions and to find out if an extra endorsement is required for out-of-country travel. This is because your current policy may not cover you while you’re outside of the country unless you have the necessary endorsement, which may need special approval from your insurance underwriters. Your agent can fill you in on the process and give you an insurance quote for additional fees if there are any.
Liability Considerations
Having insurance in the state you live in is based on liability limits established by your state’s laws, but other states may have different laws. If you’re planning on traveling to another state, it’s a good idea to check what their minimum liability insurance limits are and make sure you have at least that much coverage. If you don’t have enough coverage, you may be breaking the law by driving in that state. Another thing to consider is whether or not your current policy has any restrictions on travel. Some insurers may limit the number of days you can be out of state or they may not cover you at all if you’re driving for business purposes. If this is the case, you’ll definitely need to get additional insurance when traveling.
It’s always a good idea to keep in touch with your insurance agent to make sure that your insurance policy changes as your life and needs do. If you’re on the road more than usual and facing harsh weather conditions, perhaps you’ll want to increase your coverage limits or adjust your deductibles accordingly. For example, if you’re traveling in northern states where it snows a lot, then it’s ideal to consider the additional risk you have when it comes to driving.
Talk to a Pro
When it comes to making the right decisions for your situation, it may be worth talking to someone who deals with insurance on a daily basis. Getting an insurance quote based on your typical travel can give you an idea of what to expect realistically. Being as open and honest as possible can give you a really good idea of what to expect regarding your insurance. Keep in mind, that you can also go to other insurance providers if you’re concerned about getting a higher quote or coverage than you think you should get.
While these are not the only things to consider when deciding whether you need additional insurance for frequent travel, they are some of the most important. Being on the road more often increases your risk for a loss, so befriend your insurance agent and work as a team to make sure that you – and your assets – are well protected by your auto insurance.