Yellowstone National park offers remarkable hiking, beautiful drives, and great outdoor fun. Do take the time to gear up with your clan; check the weather and carry water, sunblock, and warm gear for when things get chilly.
1) Check Out the Wildlife
Treat everyone on the trip to a pair of binoculars and a Yellowstone Coloring Book, along with markers, crayons, and colored pencils. Before leaving home, take your family to local parks and practice using your binoculars. It takes time to learn how to sight with binoculars, especially when trying to follow directions from another guide.
2) Get On the Water
If you visit Yellowstone over the summer, plan a day on the water by signing up for beginner white water rafting Yellowstone. Make sure everyone in your group is at least 45 pounds. Your clan will be provided with safety gear before you get on the water, but do make sure that everyone can hear and is fully paying attention to the trip guide.
It doesn’t take a lot of water to get a cold splash in the face or get tossed out of the raft. Do make sure that you follow the instructions on stretching out on your back if you end up in the water. If you’re not accustomed to wearing life jackets, ask your guide to check your fit.
3) Visit Old Faithful
Of course, if you’re headed to Yellowstone, you want to book a day to visit Old Faithful. Be prepared to stand in line. Carry snacks, water, and something to fidget with while you wait for your chance to see this remarkable geyser. Old Faithful is entirely consistent; the population of other folks visiting here will vary.
4) Hike the Lower Yellowstone River Falls
The Lower Yellowstone River Falls features a 308-foot waterfall drop that can be heard long before it can be seen. This is a recommended hike for those 3 years and up. Do be aware that there are stretches of this hike that include an elevation gain. Do your best to make this after the sun comes up; unless you and your family are all skilled hikers, you don’t want to be trying to make this hike on dew-dampened rocks or on a slick, muddy path.
This is a great hike to plan around a picnic. You can talk with your children about Leave No Trace for future camping trips. You can stop bickering between your little ones by exposing them to the roar of the water.
5) Drive Through Hayden Valley
There will be days that are just not friendly for hiking. Plan at least one day to drive through Hayden Valley. There are pull-offs, small hiking spots, and great places to stop and study wildlife from the road. Do avail yourself of rest stops when you see them. There are stretches of Yellowstone that don’t offer bathrooms.
6) Study the Pools on the Biscuit Basin Trail
The Biscuit Basin Trail This is a simple loop trail that will take you past several different pools, loaded with color from the minerals and featuring many different water temperatures. Make sure everyone has a bottle of fresh water and their binoculars for this less than 1-mile walk.
As long as your little ones are at least 4 years old and at least 45 pounds, they can safely enjoy many of these activities. If your clan likes to linger along the trail and check out the small wildflowers or just one bird in the distance, you can! Set your own schedule and enjoy your trip at whatever speed works best for you.