Being a busy mom can feel like trying to lead an orchestra in the middle of a hurricane. If you need a little help juggling your responsibilities, here are a few tips for restructuring your life and keeping your sanity while you do it.
Meal Prepping
Meal planning is always a good idea, but it isn’t always feasible when you’re an active mom with lots to do. This is where meal prepping comes in. Rather than cooking every night, you dedicate a day or a weekend to the task, preparing large volumes of food and freezing or storing it to be consumed over the course of the week. Then, when you need a quick and easy dinner after a long day, you can reach for a Tupperware container rather than a takeout menu. Meal prepping can ensure that everyone gets something healthy and nutritious to eat even when mom isn’t feeling up to real cooking.
Organizational Tools
If you’re so busy that it’s starting to feel like things are slipping through the cracks, it might be time to invest in organizational tools. Some people swear by keeping a daily planner. Others prefer the convenience of apps such as Evernote, Calendly, and ChoreMonster. When used efficiently, organizational tools can help you increase your productivity, improve your time management, and reduce the stress of things like forgotten tasks and missed appointments.
There are many health benefits to caffeine, and you can get your fix in a number of ways. You don’t even need to drink coffee, though it should be noted that something like a 2 lb bag whole bean Colombian coffee can keep you going for a good long while. Other sources of caffeine include tea, soda, energy drinks, and even snacks like chocolate-covered espresso beans. You might also consider cooking with caffeine-loaded ingredients like guarana and kola nuts.
Light Exercise
You’re probably aware that exercise is good for you, but it goes beyond just keeping you slim and trim. Exercise can improve everything from your mood and energy levels to the function of your immune system. It’s particularly beneficial to your health when you exercise outdoors and soak up vitamin-producing sunshine and fresh air. For the best results, talk a stroll around the block in the middle of a stressful day. Let the exercise refresh your spirit while also recharging your batteries for the afternoon ahead.
These are just a few ways to stay on top of your responsibilities as a busy mom. It isn’t always easy, but with a few tips and tricks, it can certainly be more manageable. Good luck.