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For couples who are unable to conceive, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is usually seen as the last resort for those who want to become parents. However, IVF can be the first option for couples who are struggling with infertility or for same-sex couples. If you and your partner have been trying for more than two years to conceive and have been diagnosed with infertility, here are some benefits of IVF to consider.

IVF Can Work When Other Treatments Don’t

Sometimes, patients will try several other methods to increase fertility, such as artificial insemination or medications, before undergoing IVF. However, the type of infertility diagnosis you receive from your doctor could indicate that IVF may be the best option before you try other methods of conception. If you or your partner are suffering from a low sperm count, low ovarian reserves, or blocked fallopian tubes, your physician may recommend in-vitro fertilization. Some doctors will also recommend IVF if the mother is of “advanced” maternal age, which is usually a classification for women over the age of 38 who want to become mothers.

IVF Allows for Donated Sperm or Eggs

If you decide that you want to undergo IVF, you can use donated sperm and/or eggs for the process. Your fertility specialist may recommend this if you have certain health conditions that make it more difficult to conceive. The egg can sometimes be fertilized manually in a clinical setting. If you’re in the UK, you can trust Pro Labs to conduct the manual fertilization process for you. The fertilization creates a healthy embryo that can be used for the IVF process, which can increase the odds of pregnancy in the first or second round of treatment.

Anybody Can Use IVF

IVF isn’t just for the mother of the baby. Gestational and surrogate mothers can also use this method. This means that IVF could work well for same-sex couples and women who are physically unable to get pregnant or maintain a pregnancy. In some instances, single women who wish to be mothers may want to take advantage of this method a well.

IVF Allows You to Control the Timing

If you have a unique family situation or you have a demanding career, you can utilize IVF so you’ll know exactly when your baby will be born. The embryos and eggs can be saved via cryopreserved so you can use them when you’re ready. This gives you more control over the birthing process so you can start making the necessary adjustments for becoming a parent. If you have other children, IVF allows you to space your children in a way that is ideal for your family.

IVF Increases the Likelihood of a Healthy Baby

IVF includes genetic screening, also known as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), which is an effective technology that ensures the health of your baby. The screening notifies you of genetic markers that indicate whether your baby will have medical conditions such as sickle cell anemia, Tay Sachs disease, Down syndrome, or cystic fibrosis. These tests are conducted if the father or mother test positive for these conditions or have a family history of these diseases.

IVF Lowers the Chances of Miscarriage and Boosts the Chances of Conception

Genetic abnormalities are the main cause of miscarriages. If you use PGT to determine which conditions your baby is prone to, you’ll have a better chance of carrying full-term and having a healthy baby and pregnancy. PGT and IVF, when used together, offer the highest success rate of all over options for reproductive assistance. You can use multiple cycles if necessary to increase your chances of conception and to fulfill your desire to expand your family.


If you are seriously considering in-vitro fertilization, you should consult with your doctor to discuss the pros and cons of this procedure. Be sure to ask whether it is safe for you to undergo several IVF cycles without compromising your health as well. It is also helpful to be fully aware of your health status and to learn about your family’s health history. Once you find a fertility specialist that you and/or your partner are comfortable with, be sure to ask as many questions as you need to so you’ll feel at ease with each step of the process as you prepare to introduce a new bundle of joy to your family or become a parent for the first time.