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It can be easy to lack personal care at work. With work and deadlines at the forefront of your mind, it can be common practice to let your physical and mental health take a back seat. Although you may take good care of yourself at home, you spend most of your awake time at work. Thus, it is important to know how to take better care of your mental and physical health at all hours of the day, especially at work. 

Avoid hazards

Hazards at work are common for those who work in the oil, gas, and electric industries. Those that work in laboratories are also vulnerable to hazards too, with the constant chemical environment. 

For office workers, hazards are less likely but can still occur. Either way, you should avoid hazards as much as you possibly can. Partaking in the right training will educate you on what hazards surround you, how to avoid them, and what to do if you are involved in an accident. 

If you are involved in a workplace injury, then you will be eligible for workers’ comp. If you were not the cause of the accident and instead, a victim, then you should file a claim, report the incident to your workplace, and work with a legal team to acquire the compensation that you deserve. 

Practice personal hygiene

It can be easy to pick up bacteria and germs at work. With so many people sharing the same space, fingerprints, dirty hands, and more are bound to get onto the surfaces. Thus, ensuring your practice and maintain good personal hygiene will help you avoid illnesses. 

An easy practice is regular hand washing. Whenever you leave your workstation to get a drink, go to the bin, or go to the toilet, always ensure to wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Additionally, you can use antibacterial hand wipes or gel to ensure you kill the germs. 

Other personal hygiene practices to maintain at work are wiping down your surfaces before starting work with antibacterial spray or wipes. Dusting away dust and dirt from your surroundings will also optimise the cleanliness and hygiene of your space too. 

Maintain a balanced diet

When you have work commitments to dedicate your time to, it can be easy to let your diet slip and start making poor food choices. Instead, maintaining a healthy balanced diet can be easily achieved with meal prepping. 

As opposed to going out and grabbing a quick lunch, you can take your lunch to work with you. That way, you can prepare a nutritious meal and take it with you. 

Various nutrients are essential for maintaining good health. Ensuring you get a balanced mix of protein, carbohydrates, fibre, and fats will help you maintain energy, balance bodily functioning, and balanced mental health. 

Incorporate daily exercise

If you have an office job, then you will likely sit down most of the day. Incorporating daily exercise into your routine will help you mentally and physically. 

Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Fitness can take care of both. 

Working out before work, at lunch, or after work will incorporate into your working day. Making time for it is the hardest part. If you lack the time, a walk at lunchtime is enough to reap the physical and mental benefits. Clearing your head can maximise productivity, while a brisk walk can improve your cardiovascular health. 

Incorporating a walk into your lunchtime will be a good practice to ensure you get time away from your workstation. It can be easy to power through and work your way through lunch. But, this can lead to burnout and will hinder your productivity, mental health, and work-life balance. 

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

Use a standing desk 

Working at a desk can take a toll on your posture, physical health, and mental health. You can easily lose focus and sit in a poor posture if you sit down for hours on end. Thus, using a standing desk can help you achieve better posture and productivity. 

A standing desk will take up the same amount of space as a normal desk. Instead, you have the option to extend its height or sit down. Adjusting the height means you can stand up and work and stretch your legs. 

You will have a reduced risk of weight gain, poor posture, and see an improvement in your energy levels with a standing desk. 

Talk to your colleagues

Avoiding conversation at work is common if you lack confidence, don’t have time, or are too focused on your work. But, talking to your colleagues can help resolve issues and improve the atmosphere in the workplace. 

Talking to those around you will improve your mental health. You will be able to let out your emotions, reduce stress, and find companionship in those that you spend the majority of your days with. 

Take regular breaks

As well as a lunch break, a few extra short breaks might be necessary during the day. If you are having an intense day, stepping away from your workstation for five or ten minutes can help you regain focus, improve productivity, and reduce stress. 

If you push through the tough times, you will leave work extremely fatigued and may lose motivation for the following day. This can reduce the quality of your work-life balance as well as your personal life at home. Thus, ensuring you take small breaks little and often will help improve your mental state. 

Remember to have fun

Although work is a commitment and dedication, it is important to also remember to have fun every so often. You will be required to maintain focus and productivity to ensure the work is done. But, if you and your colleagues fancy a chat or game in the social space during lunch to lighten the mood, then do it. Ensuring you are happy will improve your work productivity and make you more content in general. 

Using these tips will ensure you practice and maintain good physical and mental health at work. 

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