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Do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvements continue to grow in the United States. In fact, according to various surveys, the market in this sector is the largest in North America. It’s expected to grow a further 3% by 2026. While many make improvements to their home for decorative purposes, there are DIY changes you can make that also benefit those who live there. As an example, here are several DIY improvements that can benefit your family.
New or Added Insulation
Insulation is your home’s temperature controller. With the proper amount of roll or spray in your attic, walls, and crawlspace, where you live maintains comfort throughout the year. No room on any floor is too cold or hot. That’s the opposite when there’s a lack of insulation or it hasn’t been replaced for a while. Replacement or addition of further product is a benefit to your family as well as to your home. Plus, it can be installed by you with the proper tools and time.
Fences Protect You and Your Property
A fence is a DIY home improvement that benefits your family in a few ways. One, it stops stray animals and forest predators like bears from coming in. Second, if it surrounds an object like a trampoline or a pool, it prevents injury and even death of children and adults. A good way to improve your home is to forego a wood fence to replace your older and rotted one. Instead, think of aluminum fences. These barriers withstand adverse weather conditions. Furthermore, they don’t rust and will last.
Calmer Paint Combinations
The color of your walls can be a benefit or an issue for your family. If the hue is too dark, then spaces seem smaller than they actually are. If it’s too bright, then it might cause headaches or prevent a night of proper sleep. The way to correct this is to select a different color palette. The best thing to do is choose warmer hues. Those in the yellow, green, blue, and lavender categories have proven to be soothing to individuals. Thus, they feel more comfortable and tend to get a good night’s sleep. Plus, the lighter the color the bigger an area feels.
Adding Hardwood Floors Minimizes Illness
The popularity of wall-to-wall carpeting began in the 1930s. It remains a major choice today. However, no matter how much you vacuum and shampoo, your carpet contains different forms of bacteria. The result is allergies and generally not feeling well. What benefits your family instead is hardwood flooring. You don’t have to hire a professional to tear up your carpets so you can lay this surface down. Truth be told, ripping up and laying down are DIY projects. Especially with hardwood floors, since their tongue-and-groove structure makes it simple to snap a floor together.
Xeriscaping Reduces Water Use
A yard filled with grass can also result in allergies for some family members. Furthermore, it takes a lot of energy and money to maintain a lush, green lawn. So much that your weekends are taken up with mowing and trimming instead of spending time with your family. A DIY task that benefits your family, and one they can participate in, is xeriscaping your yard. This landscape type is less grass and more succulent plans, rock gardens, and shrubs. The main advantage of xeriscaping is its low degree of maintenance. An added benefit is you greatly reduce the amount of water you use.
Decluttering Makes Spaces Bigger
The minimalist movement is still big across the globe. Homeowners are decluttering their homes and leaving only the essentials. As a result, spaces seem brighter and bigger. This is something you can do as well. It benefits your family because they no longer rely on purchases to make them happy. Instead, once they clear the house and give away or sell their items, they feel a sense of independence that can increase their joy.
The items mentioned above are a small percentage of DIY home improvements you can do that will benefit your family. The biggest advantage happens when you involve them in the decision process and the steps to make it happen.