The COVID-19 pandemic has affected how things are done. For instance, it has affected how people do business and how they market their products. However, the goals of marketing have not changed. People are still marketing their products to create brand awareness, grow their business, and create customer affinity. In an attempt to adapt to the changes brought by the pandemic, the marketing industry has changed how it operates. Below are some of the changes that have been observed in the marketing industry.

Marketing Companies Are Now Focusing on Digital Marketing

The COVID-19 pandemic has probably changed how you shop. For instance, you might have become one of the people who no longer go out to window shop because you fear contracting the disease. Instead, you might be using the internet to find out more about the features, specifications, and prices of different products. Other times you focus on viewing television advertisements to know more about different products.

To respond to the shift in the way people like you shop, marketing companies are now focusing on digital marketing. They are using internet ads and social media platforms to advertise different products and services. Others are advertising products on TV channels.

Digital Events Have Become Common in the Marketing Industry

Confinement measures have been put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, you can no longer hold big events such as marketing campaigns. To stay resilient during the pandemic, marketing companies have started holding digital events. These companies use digital event tools such as Zoom, Go To Webinar, Google, and Microsoft Teams to hold these events.

Holding these events is more advantageous than holding in-person events. Marketing companies spend less money when planning and holding these events than they would spend if they held in-person events. Compared to in-person events, digital events save more time and help marketing companies reach a bigger audience.

Many Marketing Companies Are Now Focusing on Video Marketing

Some business owners and marketing companies were using videos to market products and services even before the pandemic. When the pandemic came, the use of these videos increased. Many marketing companies are now integrating videos in their marketing campaigns. These videos display important information about particular products and services. As a result, the videos raise brand awareness, drive sales, and engage consumers.

Many marketing companies are using this approach to market products and services because videos increase information retention. According to research, you are likely to retain about 65% of what you see. On the flip side, you are likely to retain 10% of what you hear.

People in marketing agencies are undertaking video marketing training to improve their market products and services through videos. For instance, they are being trained on how to film using a phone professionally. Others are getting training on how to incorporate videos into their email marketing campaigns.

Marketing Companies Now Value Social Media a Lot

The usage of different social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook has increased over the past few days. This increase is because many people are now staying home and do not have many things to do. To reach these people, marketing companies are now using different social media platforms to advertise products and services.

The increased use of social media marketing has led to better relationships between consumers and business people. It has also enabled these two parties to communicate more effectively. Therefore, these platforms allow for customer feedback and immediate interaction between people.

Marketing Companies Are Now Focusing On SEO

In an attempt to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions have been put in place to minimize the movement of people. Therefore, you cannot go out shopping anytime you want. You are likely going to prefer shopping online due to this.

Before you shop online, you will want to look for more information about the product you want to buy. A high chance is that you will look for this information on the internet. To respond to this need, marketing companies are now focusing on SEO and paid search.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made many marketing companies change how they operate. Nowadays, these companies are focusing more on digital and video marketing. Others are using different social media platforms to advertise different goods and services. Search engine optimization has also become important to these companies since they have noticed that many people carry out internet research before buying a product or service.