Photo by Ben Cheung on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-hong-kong-skyline-at-night-3038813/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
When moving to any new country healthcare is something you need to consider carefully, as are your finances. These are two of the most critical areas of concern!
After all, all countries have different health systems in place, and so it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the system of the country you are moving to. If you are moving to Hong Kong, then this blog post is a must-read for you. You will discover all you need to know about the healthcare system in place, as well as some financial tips for your move. After all, the last thing you want to do is move abroad and be at a loss regarding what to do when medical attention is required.
But first, let’s address the financial side of things! You will need to make sure you transfer your pension firstly. Aside from this, you should look into working with estate lawyers who can ensure all of this is tied up properly. Moreover, looking into an overseas bank account is a must when moving to any other country, so these are all factors to consider.
When you move to Hong Kong, you will have the option to go for either public healthcare or private healthcare. The public healthcare system is virtually accessible to all at practically no cost. You don’t even need to live in Hong Kong to take advantage of this. However, you will require a valid visa as well as a Hong Kong ID card. Many would be in agreement with the fact that the public healthcare system is substantial. There are over 40 public hospitals in Hong Kong. However, it is important to bear in mind the fact that dental care is not covered and so you will need to seek a private dentist for this. In addition, whilst public healthcare is of a high standard and modern equipment is utilized, queues can be long, staff will not be fluent in English and many have remarked that a patient-friendly attitude is rare to find. For this reason, a lot of people prefer to go down the private route.
Nevertheless, if you do go for the private option then you will require health insurance otherwise you will undoubtedly be left facing massive bills. There are two options regarding health insurance in Hong Kong. You can opt for local health insurance or you can go for an expat medical insurance plan. What’s the difference between the two? Well, you will find that international expat plans tend to be more expensive in comparison to the local options. However, this is because you pay for what you get. They are generally a lot more flexible and provide better coverage. In addition to this, if you travel outside of Hong Kong then you will be covered if you have gone for the international option. As you know; your health is not an area whereby you should compromise and therefore the international option is certainly the recommended path to go down.