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Becoming a mom for the first time is a momentous occasion. It’s a life transition that’s very exciting. Of course, it’s also a bit nerve-wracking. You can do tons of research, but you still don’t know quite what to expect, and you may wonder if you’re ready for such an amazing responsibility. It’s okay to be nervous. Keep reading for a summary of what to know when you are becoming a new mother. Hopefully, this list will help you feel more prepared.
Bonding Takes Time
Taking care of a newborn requires tremendous dedication and can be exhausting. Many new moms make the mistake of thinking all of the difficult parts will be overshadowed by the immense love and awe you feel toward your new baby. Sometimes these tender feelings aren’t always abundant. Bonding with your newborn may take time, and that’s to be expected. If you don’t feel a rush of euphoric adoration for your child right away, it doesn’t make you a bad mother. Nor does it mean you will never bond with him or her. You’re adjusting to a completely new experience, all the while getting little sleep. Be patient with yourself and your baby. The sweet bonding will come.
Let People Help Out
Many people are taught to be fiercely independent. Postpartum is definitely not the time for that. If friends and family offer to help out, it’s a good idea to allow them to provide you with assistance to the extent that you feel comfortable. Let pals bring you food. Accept that offer from your mom to watch the baby so you can have some alone time. In addition, don’t be afraid to delegate responsibilities. You won’t be doing your baby, yourself or your partner any good if you’re exhausted and overwhelmed.
You Can’t Plan Everything
It’s a good idea to do as much research as possible before the baby arrives so that you can make informed decisions about such things as your birth experience, the types of baby products you buy and how you intend to parent. However, it’s crucial to understand that any plans you make are likely only going to serve as a guideline and that you will need to be flexible regarding your wishes. For example, it’s not unusual for birthing plans to go astray for a variety of reasons. It may be in the best interest of you and your baby to change course based on the advice of your medical staff.
In addition, it’s also possible that you may need to adapt your feeding plan. Sometimes mothers plan to breastfeed, but soon learn that doing so isn’t practical or possible. That’s okay. Make a backup plan to use the best baby formula you’re able to afford and go from there. Having a flexible mindset will serve you well as you go through the steps of adjusting to becoming a mother.
Be Patient with Yourself
Pregnancy and childbirth are hard on you physically, mentally and emotionally. It will be a while before you’re back to your pre-pregnancy weight. Some parts of your body may never be exactly the same. That doesn’t make you any less beautiful or worthy. Your hormones will also continue to be out of whack, so you’re bound to feel a bit emotional. Brain fog is another issue new moms experience. Don’t expect to be as energetic, alert or even-keeled as you were pre-baby. Be gentle with yourself and ask the people around you to do the same.
Keep these things in mind as you adjust to be a new mother. In time, you’ll adjust to your new routine and will be feeling more like yourself.