While we’ve just entered the long, cold winter, there’s no reason you can’t get a jump on your spring cleaning long before the last snow has melted. Leaving everything until the spring will only make your annual maintenance and cleaning projects more difficult. It’s silly to sit around all winter, only to become overwhelmed once spring arrives. While certain jobs like landscaping and gardening might be impossible in the winter, there are other tasks you can get started on ahead of time. By completing these five projects, you’ll lighten the load when spring finally comes around.
Get Dusting
There’s no reason you can’t dust when it’s cold outside. By attacking all those hard-to-reach spaces in your home, you’ll make it easier to do a general cleaning when spring comes around. This is a great job to do little-by-little over the course of the winter, making sure you attack the spaces under furniture and the corners of closets.
Purge Your House of Unneeded Items
Mountains of clutter will be your biggest enemy once spring cleaning begins in earnest. That’s why it’s so important to take advantage of the winter months to empty your house of superfluous belongings. Bag up old clothes for donations, and toss anything that no longer works.
Make Sure Your AC Is Working
There’s no sense in waiting for the heat to arrive before having your air conditioning serviced. Any company that provides AC installation services should be able to inspect and repair your unit as well. Having this taken care of in the winter will allow you to enter the warmer months with full confidence in your air conditioning.
Make a Detailed To-Do List
Any major project benefits from planning, and spring cleaning is certainly no exception. Take advantage of your downtime in the winter to plot your future moves. Make a list of big and small tasks alike. That way, when spring comes along, all you’ll have to do is mindlessly follow the plan.
Schedule Any Professional Assistance You’ll Need
Some projects, from felling trees to repairing a roof, might require professional work. Call and schedule this work in advance to make sure the timing works for you and your household.
There’s no sense in waiting for spring to begin thinking about home maintenance and cleaning. Follow the steps above to get a head start in the process and make your life easier when spring comes around.