2020 has been a tough year. Many of us have experienced low points and we’re pretty excited to close the book on this year and open a fresh page on 2021. Sure, the pandemic may not suddenly disappear at the turn of the year. But now is a time for hope and to look to the positive. We want to get started in this new year on the best foot possible! One way to help this? Setting New Year’s resolutions!
Now, every year we tend make new year’s resolutions, but fail to stick to them. Most of us will fall prey to temptation, laziness, procrastination or various other vices that see us completely forget our resolutions by the time February comes around. The truth is, though, that you can stick to your resolutions and every year there are a determined few who do! Make sure you fall into this category for 2021! This is a great opportunity to kick bad habits, create positive change and generally improve your life on the whole, so don’t let it pass by! Here are some suggestions that will help you along the way!
Put Time and Thought Into Your Resolution
A common reason that many people fail to stick to their resolution is because they pick something that they’re not dedicated to, that they’re not genuinely fussed about changing, or they choose something they don’t really have any intention of actually changing. A surprising proportion of us will hastily make up a resolution as we hear the clock chime midnight. Is it well thought out? No. Will we stick to it? Probably not. Instead, dedicate some time and effort to choosing your resolution. Think of something you really want to change or really want to do. This will give you the time you need to settle on something you’re certain about.
Set Goals
You also need to make sure that your resolution has a clear goal set out. Vague resolutions are rarely likely to be achieved, as it’s difficult to determine whether you have done what you wanted to. A resolution like “be healthier”, for example, is a little pointless, as there’s not much way to measure this. Instead, you may want to consider something more specific like “quit smoking” or “maintain a healthy weight”.
Of course, choosing a resolution can be hard. So, here are some that you may want to try out yourself!
Attend Health Checkups
All too many of us fail to attend regular health checkups as we should. This isn’t only illogical – as checks are easy to access and barely take any time – but it can actually prove massively detrimental to your health and wellbeing. Health checks are in place to protect you against harm, illnesses or diseases and attending them can really prevent any existing issues from worsening. Health checkups you should attend include:
- Dental checkups – identify gum disease or tooth decay in its early stages
- Hearing tests – do you need a hearing aid? An optometrist will be able to tell you!
- Cervical screening checks – women over the age of 25 should attend
- Prostate checks – men over the age of 50 should attend
Eat a Balanced Diet
We should all be eating balanced diets. This means following rough calorie consumption guidelines and ensuring that you are eating balanced meals with all of the food groups in moderation. This may mean cutting out junk food, consulting a nutritionist or following healthy meal plans. This will help you to achieve your goals!
There’s a reason gym memberships skyrocket in January. Many people make it their resolution to get their recommended one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week, or seventy five minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise a week. If you need motivation, you may even want to consider hiring a personal trainer.
Quit Bad Habits
Now really is the time to quit bad habits. If you smoke, you should seriously consider quitting for your New Year’s resolution. We’re all well aware of the health consequences that result from smoking and they’re simply not worth the risk. There are an array of quitting aids out there, varying from patches to gum to vape pens.
2021 really could be a fresh new leaf and the above advice will help you to make it that little bit more positive for you! Hopefully, some of the resolutions suggested will prove inspirational to you. If not, you can always come up with your own!