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There was a time when wellness businesses were purely local affairs. If you wanted to spread a new well-being paradigm, you had to sell to clients in your local community. The internet and new tools, however, are making that set up a thing of the past. Today, you can reach people all over the world.
As the following infographic makes clear, the degree to which you can create and customize your online courses and communities to match your brand is staggering. New tools allow you to create courses that match your brand and appeal to your niche. And you can connect with people via the actual channels they use, not some predefined template you find with some e-learning courses.
The need for wellness is greater than ever. We live in a world that assaults the average person’s well-being on practically every level. The basic assumptions of the culture – including those around success – are a burden for many people. Relationship breakdown is a real issue. Diet and lifestyle are generally appalling in the west. And work stress is an ongoing issue we can’t afford to ignore.
It’s time, therefore, for the business community to step up to the plate and take on the issue of wellness directly. People know that there’s something wrong in their lives – they’re not happy. But there aren’t enough brands out there articulating the issues and offering solutions.
The following infographic shows you how you can become one of those brands, begin teaching students, and make a profit to boot.

With Holistic United, you can create and customize your online courses and communities to match your brand.