While there are plenty of people who herald the holidays as the most wonderful time of the year, there are others who deem it the most stressful time of the year. Whether you’re at either end of the spectrum or somewhere in the middle, consider some of the best ways to look for comfort when you’re tempted to stress out during the season.
During difficult times, a lot of people lean on their faith as an anchor. When you wake up in the morning, consider starting the day with some quiet time of reflection and devotion. You can take a walk, do a few stretches or engage in meditation as you pray, express gratitude or listen to an encouraging message to uplift your spirit. To help you remain spiritually fed, consider an online bible study as it holds the ability to enlighten, encourage and teach you about new ways to practice your faith in stressful times.
Loved Ones
While family members might seem like the obvious ones to turn to, it’s not uncommon for those people to be the ones who amplify or cause the stress in your life. If you’re lucky enough to have family members who calm you down, engage more with them. If not, find a friend who can talk with you and help you feel better about this season.
Find a hobby that relaxes you. You don’t need to plug into social media platforms for a mental boost. Instead, try to cultivate an interesting hobby. Learn to play the piano. Develop mastery in the ability to use colored pencils well. Build an amazing puzzle collection. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that it is something that relaxes you a little bit and can serve as a health distraction for when you are stressed.
Never underestimate the power of a good nap or an early bedtime. Sometimes, you’re stressed because you’re overworked. Even though you might not have meltdowns like children do when they don’t nap, your mind might be having its own meltdown in the form of stress. You should also make sure that you are getting enough sleep every night. Eight hours is a good average amount, but if you are trying to make up for a few nights of listless sleep, don’t feel ashamed to sleep a bit more for a few nights in a row.
Laughter is good medicine for the soul. If you have a light-hearted television show or a funny movie you love, make time to watch it during the holidays. Keep yourself by finding great YouTube channels and Christmas specials you can enjoy. It’ll keep your mind occupied, entertained and less stressed. Even if you turn on a movie in the background while you’re working on other menial tasks, you might be surprised at how much of a better mood you are in afterward.
If you’re dealing with a lot of internal stress and anxiety that’s associated with the holidays, it’s also wise to implement a level of self-care. Boundaries are important to establish. If you don’t feel like listening to a friend vent for hours on end, it’s okay to cut the conversation short or not pick up the phone at all. Whatever leads you to feel less stressed out during this time, do it for yourself.