If there is one thing that every old house has, it’s that vintage charm. There are a slew of homes on the market that were built upwards of 50 years ago. However, some older homes aren’t fitted with modern day amenities or safety features and require a bit of renovation.
Renovating doesn’t always mean an entire home makeover. You can still keep that old world charm while keeping things up to date. Here are some tips for renovating an old home on a budget while maintaining its original beauty.
Improve the Natural Lighting
Lighting is important, but that doesn’t always mean the kind of light that comes from a lightbulb. Natural light is just as important, if not more. Some vintage houses aren’t constructed to allow for a lot of sunlight to come through into the house. As such, homeowners rely on artificial light instead. Bringing sunlight into your home not only makes it more comfortable, it’s also proven to improve mental health as well.
Since you’re on a budget, installing multiple windows around the house is not the best option. Luckily, there are other ways to get natural light into your house. First, paint or wallpaper the walls a nice white or off-white. If you want to keep some darker colors in the rooms, hang a few mirrors around the house. Both the white walls and the mirrors will reflect the natural light that comes in through the windows, making your home brighter.
Change the Flooring
When it comes to renovating an old home on a budget, one thing you should focus it on is the flooring. In fact, the most common renovation for older homes is replacing the flooring. In many older homes, the flooring is as old as the house itself. You’ll know a floor is too old if it squeaks incessantly, it’s lifted up, or simply looks worse for wear.
Many older homes originally had hardwood flooring, but traditional hardwood flooring is difficult to put in when you’re on a budget. A good alternative is engineered wood flooring.
Engineered wood is known for its durability, low maintenance, and ease of installation. It’s also much more budget-friendly than traditional hardwood. Lastly, engineered oak flooring comes in a wide range of colors, so you can find one that closely resembles the original flooring.
Acquire New Doors and Locks
The next renovation on your budget should be getting a new door for the house. Like the flooring, doors on older homes are not ideal to have. Not only do they often look dated, but it might not keep your home secure. Older doors means older locks, which means they are easy to kick down and gain entry. No matter what home you have, it should always be secure, and that starts with high-quality doors and locks.
Additionally, older doors tend to not be insulated as well as modern doors. Replacing the front and back doors can drastically reduce drafts, lowering your heating and cooling costs on your utility bills. If you want to put off replacing the door for now, you should at least make sure to fill any cracks that might have formed around the frames of your doors and windows.
Decorate the Walls
A surefire way to maintain an older home’s beauty while renovating it is by decorating the walls. You can hang your favorite pictures, pieces of art, and even decorative shelves. Wallpaper is also a great choice because it lets you add your own unique style without the hassle of paint.
If you want to incorporate some of the vintage charm of the home into the decor, add older family pictures or even pictures of the home when it was new if you can find them. You might have to do some research for these or go digging through some archives, but your attention to detail will really polish the finished look of the home.
Older homes may require a bit of work, but the finished product will look amazing. By following these tips, you can make renovating an older home fit in your budget.