Cars! They get us where we need to be in a relatively short amount of time. Many people don’t really consider the fact that cars are 4,000 pounds of danger. You may be the best driver in the world, but that doesn’t keep you safe from winding up in a car crash.
Some car accidents are minor fender benders. However, more serious accidents require car accident lawyers ready to fight for you. Especially if you are injured in the accident. Not all car accident-related injuries are visible or appear in the immediate aftermath of the crash.
Car Accidents Are Inevitable
It is rare to find someone who has never been in a car accident. Even if the other end of the accident was a deer or other animal. Most people are lucky not to face serious injuries after a car accident.
But there are injuries that can come about a few hours, days, or even weeks after the accident. That’s why it’s important to get checked out by a doctor after an accident. Whether you ‘feel fine’ or not.
Triple A has more suggestions on what to do immediately following a car accident. Consider keeping a copy of the checklist in your glove box, as the post-accident adrenaline can affect your thought process.
5 Silent Car Accidents Injuries
Broken bones and bleeding wounds are the more visible signs of injury after an accident. If you’re bleeding or in pain, of course you’ll seek medical attention. Many people make the mistake of not seeking medical attention if the injuries aren’t immediately felt.
Your body’s adrenaline from the crash can mask pain and symptoms of an injury. It can take several hours for your body and mind to calm down enough for symptoms to appear. 5 of the most common ‘silent’ injuries from car accidents include:
- Whiplash. Whiplash is especially common in rear-end accidents. Your neck may be injured from the momentum of the accident. Whiplash symptoms typically don’t appear for hours or days after the accident.
- Back injuries. The same momentum that causes whiplash can cause injuries to your spine. These injuries aren’t often immediately felt.
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI.) Any kind of blow to the head, including during a car accident, can cause a brain injury. Known as traumatic brain injury, or TBI, the injury disrupts the function of the brain. People who suffer from TBIs can suffer migraines, abrupt mood changes, and other symptoms.
- Concussion. Concussions are a type of TBI. Unlike more serious types of TBIs that never go away, the symptoms of a concussion disperse after a few days or weeks. However, a concussion can lead to more serious problems if the injured person doesn’t take it easy until the injury heals.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD.) Damage to your body isn’t the only concern after a car accident. Depending on how you process the accident, you could end up suffering from Post-traumatic stress disorder. Abbreviated as PTSD, the psychological impact of the accident could be worse than the physical. Some symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks and fear of driving.
Car accidents occur every day. The best way to avoid a car accident is to stay alert and avoid distracted driving. Taking a defensive driving course can also help you know what to look out for from other drivers. Staying safe on the road is the responsibility of every driver.