Close up details of automatic lawn pop-up sprinkler. Details of irrigation
You are leaving for a much-needed vacation, and you aren’t sure how to maintain your lawn while you are gone. The following are a few things you can do to keep your lawn in good condition when you aren’t home.
Maintenance for Short Trips
If you are going on vacation for a short time, you don’t have much to worry about. The first thing you want to do is have your lawn serviced the day before you leave. If you only have to mow, then go ahead and do that before you take off. This should maintain the lawn for a week or so.
It’s important to water your lawn deeply before you leave as well. Automatic sprinklers could work too unless you are not comfortable leaving the system on while you’re away. If you are going to be gone for two weeks, try to cut your grass as short as you can. Do your best to avoid cutting more than one-third of the grass or you might damage your lawn.
Work With a Local Freelance Worker
If you are going to be gone for a longer period, then you’ll have to make other arrangements. A good option is to work with a local lawn worker, which could be a kid who is offering his or her services to the community. Just pay the kid or teenager in advance, and your lawn should be taken care of throughout your vacation.
The only problem is that teenagers or kids aren’t always experienced and reliable. If you care for your lawn, then you’ll be taking a chance. You might be able to find someone who is a little more experienced if you talk to a few folks in your neighborhood until you find someone you trust. If you have a kid or teenager take care of your lawn, be sure this person has access to all of your tools before you leave.
Ask a Friend or Family Member
If you can’t find anyone to hire in your neighborhood, it might be a good idea to consider talking to your friends or family members. Share your vacation plans with them and how long they will have to take care of your lawn. Go ahead and offer something for their troubles.
This could be a monetary gift or whatever else you can offer. Depending on how long you’ll be gone, try to figure out schedules. Lawn care is a lot of work. If you know a few people, you can make sure you alternate the lawn care between several friends or family members. Consider having those who will take care of your lawn contact each other. They can work out scheduling with each other. Again, make sure your friend or family members have access to your lawn care items before you leave.
Get Professional Lawn Care Services
According to Professionals in the Charlottesville lawn care service, people waste hours of their lives taking care of their yards and are always so much happier when they hire someone else to do it for them. Start with the basics. Find out how much it’s going to be, and see how much experience the company has.
It would be a good idea to read some third-party reviews of the lawn care services you’re considering until you find one you can trust. Be sure to check out social media accounts as people usually speak freely on those platforms. These professionals have their own tools, so you can safely lock away your equipment without worrying someone will forget to lock things up after they are done using them. Your friends or family members could also accidentally damage those tools. You value your tools, and they can be expensive, so being able to keep those safe while you’re on vacation is a good thing.
Now, you know how to keep your lawn nice even if you are going to be gone for a while. This will not only help give you peace of mind, but you’ll also avoid getting in trouble with your HOA if you happen to belong to one. All it takes is a little planning, and your lawn will look great even if you aren’t there.