If you consider yourself to be particularly caring, or you have a lot of friends who suggest that you are caring, then there might be an inclination to try and turn that into a career. There are many ways in which you can hope to do that, and it is something that you are going to want to think about in order to ensure that you are forging a career that really works and makes sense for you. There are many different career paths for those who are caring, and in this article, we are going to take a look at some of the very best that you might want to consider. Any of these are bound to be worth considering – and who knows, one of them just might be your dream job that you want to pursue.
Perhaps you are keen to help people with their medical issues and ensure that they are well and avoiding sickness. If so, clearly being a doctor is a good way to go. There are many kinds of doctor that you might want to be – whether you are thinking about being a GP, or specializing in some particular area that is close to your heart or which you know people suffer from daily and you want to help them with. In any case, it’s no surprise to anyone that becoming a doctor takes a lot of time and training, and you are going to need to be prepared for that. However, if it is really what you want to do, then there is no reason why you can’t do it – and it is bound to be a career that you are glad to call your own.
Nurse Practitioner
If you’ve thought about becoming a doctor but aren’t sure it’s the right fit for you, consider becoming a nurse practitioner (NP) instead. Like doctors, NPs can diagnose patients and prescribe medicine. To become an NP, you’ll either spend 2 or 3.5 years studying, depending on your educational background. You will also specialize in an area of medicine, so whether you’re interested in sports medicine, neonatal health, or oncology, you can practice in your preferred field. Depending on which state you live in, you may even be able to run your own practice independently of a physician. If you’d rather work with a physician, consider becoming a physician’s assistant (PA) instead. Compare PAs/NPs to figure out which is the best fit with your future career goals.
Maybe you would like to get into the world of mental health care rather than physical health. If so, there are plenty of jobs that you can think about in this realm, and it is something that you are going to find particularly rewarding, if a little tough at times. Most people who want a job of this kind will become therapists, and this is certainly a rewarding kind of job that you are going to want to think about if this suits your particular style and personality. To be a good therapist, you obviously need the ability to listen carefully to people and to really care for their mental wellbeing. You also need to make sure that you are going to do whatever is necessary to get the right training, and a lot of that involves going through therapy yourself. As such, it requires a fair amount of bravery if you want to ensure that you are going to do it in the right way.
If you are really a very caring person, what better role than that of carer? There are many kinds of carer that you might choose to be. You could be helping out the elderly in their own homes, or you could be offering care to those with mental health problems. You might even find that you are helping out the youth or people who are caught in being homeless. There are just so many people out there who need care, and it is something that you are going to want to think about if you are keen to make this your way of life. Take a look at Care As One if you are keen on getting that kind of role, and consider taking up some training in the meantime to make it easier to land such a job. All in all, it is easily one of the most rewarding jobs out there, so it’s worth thinking about if you want to make your caring personality a big part of your life and your career.
Perhaps your caring attitude is more towards animals than people. There’s nothing wrong with that, and there is of course a perfect job for you in the form of being a veterinary doctor. There are many roles within that sector, so you could find yourself being a surgeon or a general doctor or many other things besides, it all depends on what you want to do. But a caring and loving attitude towards pets is going to be essential, and you will need to go through lots of training too. If you can do that, you are going to find that this is a great career option for you, and one which you are going to be able to make the most of.